Accessibility for Elections

We have resources available to support disabled people and people with learning disabilities and/or autism to vote with confidence. These include information on how to register to vote, what forms of photo ID will be accepted, how to apply for free voter ID if it’s needed, what will happen at the polling station, and how to get more support. 

The My Vote My Voice campaign has also produced resources, with support from the Electoral Commission, to support people with learning disabilities and/or autism to vote. These include a ‘voting passport’ people can use to help polling station staff to easily understand any reasonable adjustments they require.

Voting Passport

A voting passport is an A4 sheet of paper to hand to polling staff so they easily can understand the reasonable adjustments needed to enable the person to vote.

Easy Read Guide and Practice Ballot Paper

Voter ID Easy Read Booklet

Information for blind and partially sighted people

My Vote My Voice campaign have produced the following information resources to help blind and partially sighted people, and the people who support them, to meet the new voter ID requirement:


Audio Guide

Information in British Sign Language


Equipment available at the polling station

Did you know the equipment below is available to assist voters at a polling station?

  • Chairs/seating
  • A5 magnifiers to enlarge the text on the ballot paper
  • Tactile voting device to support those who are visually impaired mark their vote on the ballot paper
  • Polling booth at wheelchair level
  • Pen and pencil grips
  • Enlarged ballot paper

Polling station staff will wear badges to make it easy for you to identify who is available to ask for help.

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service, please email us at