1. Castle Point Together Winter Edition

  2. About the council

    1. Council Mayor
      1. Interfaith Service
      2. The Mayor’s Biography - Councillor Lynsey McCarthy-Calvert
      3. Invite The Mayor to attend an event
        1. The Role of the Mayor
          1. The Duties of the Mayor
          2. The Legal Position
        2. Guidance on The Mayor's attendance at a function
        3. Request for the Mayor to attend an event
      4. The Civic Insignia & The Mace
        1. Historical Development of the Mace
      5. Castle Point Youth Council
    2. Councillors
      1. Agendas and Minutes Library
      2. Become a Councillor
      3. Councillor Register of Interest
      4. Canvey Island Town Council
      5. Member standards – code of conduct
      6. Making a complaint against a member
      7. Member of Parliament
      8. Committee Membership
      9. Wards
      10. Members' Allowances
    3. County Councillors
    4. Public Consultations
      1. Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Consultation
    5. Customer Promise
    6. Information Governance
      1. Information Law
      2. Privacy Notices
      3. Information Governance Policies
      4. Privacy Impact Assessments
      5. Data Protection Requests
      6. Freedom of Information
    7. Data Transparency
      1. Payments over £500
        1. Payments 2020-2024
        2. Payment 2016-2019
        3. Payments 2013-2015
      2. Social Housing Asset Value
    8. Council Strategies, Policies and Reports
      1. Notice of public rights
      2. Annual Statement of Accounts
      3. Local Code of Corporate Governance
    9. Localism Act
      1. Community Right to Bid
      2. Community Right to Challenge
    10. Fees and Charges 2022-2023
    11. Modern Slavery Act 2015
    12. Equality and Diversity
      1. Policy Statement on Inclusion & Diversity
      2. Equal Employment Opportunities
      3. Equality Law
      4. Equality Scheme 2019-23
      5. Equality Objectives
      6. Equality Scheme
  3. Forms

    1. Apply for it
    2. Pay it
    3. Report it
  4. FAQs

    1. Building Control FAQ's
      1. Building Regulations applications
      2. BC Forms and Charges
      3. BC Miscellaneous FAQ's
    2. Bus Passes (The National Bus Concession) FAQ's
    3. Community and Partnership FAQ's
    4. Canvey Island - Parish Council FAQ's
    5. Housing Management and mediation FAQ's
      1. Appealing a Housing decision FAQ's
    6. Environmental Health FAQ's
      1. Asbestos/Bonfire FAQ's
      2. Drains FAQ's
      3. Food FAQ's
      4. Grant FAQ's
      5. Noise FAQ's
      6. Other Environmental Health FAQ's
      7. Private Sector Housing FAQ's
    7. Licensing FAQ's
      1. Boatman and Pleasure Boats
      2. Gambling Act 2005
      3. Hypnotism
      4. Licensing Act 2003 FAQ
    8. Land Charges FAQ's
    9. Parks FAQ's
      1. Allotment FAQ's
      2. Castle Point in Bloom FAQ's
      3. Cemeteries/Churchyards FAQ's
      4. Country Park FAQ's
      5. Foreshore FAQ's
      6. Museum FAQ's
      7. Park FAQ's
      8. Tree FAQ's
      9. Woodland FAQ's
    10. Planning FAQ's
      1. Boundaries, Fences and Out Buildings FAQ's
      2. Conservatories and Extensions FAQ's
      3. Dropped kerb, working from home FAQ's
      4. Planning Fees and Payments FAQ's
  5. Contact us

  6. Leisure services

    1. Halls
  7. Home Page

    1. Supporting our residents this winter
    2. Apply for it
    3. Pay for it
    4. Report it
    5. Check your bin date
    6. Consultations
  8. A-Z