Services are running normally
The Masterplan
The Castle Point Regeneration Partnership has prepared a masterplan for Canvey Town Centre, setting out how it can be improved to offer a high quality town centre with a better mix of provision than currently exists.
At its meeting of April 2012, the Council's Cabinet agreed to the adoption of the Canvey Town Centre Masterplan as a Supplementary Planning Document, to be considered when making decisions on planning applications for Canvey Town Centre. The adoption is effective from the 1st July 2012, and is subject to a series of caveats as set out in the Adoption Statement.
Supporting Documents:
Alongside the Council, other partners are working on delivering the Masterplan. A public realm strategy has been prepared, and work has been carried out on modelling the highway network. Private sector development partners are being sought to deliver the built elements of the masterplans proposals.
If you have any questions regarding the Canvey Town Centre Masterplan, or regeneration in Canvey Town Centre please email