The Castle Point Plan

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CIL Process and Forms for Permitted Development

Please read through this page carefully to ensure that you follow the process and submit the right forms at the right times. Failure to do so may result in you incurring CIL liability and/or surcharges that could have been avoided.

Stage 1: Notice of chargeable development form (responsibility of applicant/agent)

Some types of development which are granted general consent by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 are liable to pay CIL. If you are undertaking such a development, you must complete Form 5 before you commence the development.

Form 5: Notice of Chargeable Development
You do not need to complete Form 5, if:

  • The development is less than 100 square metres and does not comprise one or more dwellings;
  • The development benefits from exemption for residential extensions; or
  • The chargeable amount of the development is zero

Stage 2: Liability to pay CIL (responsibility of applicant/agent)

As part of Form 5, you will have identified who the liable parties are for the payment of CIL.

If the liable party changes you can withdraw or transfer the liability at any time before the development commences using Form 3 or 4 (whichever is applicable).

Form 3: Withdrawal of Assumption of Liability
Form 4: Transfer of Assumed Liability

Some developments are exempt or are offered relief from paying CIL.If you consider that your development is exemption or should be offered relief from paying CIL you must submit the applicable exemption or relief form before you commence development.

Form 7: Self Build Exemption Claim Form Part 1
Form 7: Self Build Exemption Claim Form Part 2
Form 8: Residential Annex Exemption Claim Form
Form 9: Residential Extension Claim Form
Form 10: Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief Claim Form
Form 12: Further Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief Claim
Form 13: Further Exemption Claim

Stage 3: Liability notice (responsibility of council)

Shortly after receipt of Form 5 we will issue a Liability Notice to the liable party(ies) named. This will detail how much CIL will be payable (even if this is £0) which will become due on the date of commencement as detailed in Stage 4.

Stage 4: Commencement notice (responsibility of applicant/agent)

Before you commence work on site (including demolition) you should submit Form 6: Commencement Notice to us, letting us know the exact date that commencement will take place.  This Form must be submitted at least one clear working day in advance of commencement.

Form 6: Commencement Notice

Note: The correct CIL form must be submitted, which is different from any similar form required by Building Control or Planning Enforcement.

It is important that you wait until you receive an acknowledgement from us that this form has been received. Failure to do this before commencement will result in the loss of any right to pay by instalments and result in a surcharge.

If you have received an exemption or relief from the levy, failure to submit this form, and for it to be received by the collecting authority, before commencing your development will result in a surcharge being applied equal to 20% of the chargeable amount or £2,500, whichever is the lower amount.

Stage 5: Demand notice (responsibility of Council)

We will issue a Demand Notice from the date of Commencement. The Demand Notice will state the amount of CIL to be paid, and when and how it should be paid. 

We have an instalment policy is in place allows larger CIL payments to be spread over several instalment – Instalment Policy

Note: If the date given on the Commencement Notice is delayed, the applicant/agent can issue a further Commencement Notice using Form 6.