Service Update

Services are running normally

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are ‘Areas of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’ (Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990). 

Developments within a conservation area are likely to require planning permission. Details of the requirements for planning applications can be found on the Planning Portal, from where it is also possible to make an application.

Regard will be had to the conservation area appraisal and management plan when considering applications for development within or adjacent to a conservation area. 

Florence Gardens

The conservation area in Florence Gardens was designated on the 18th November 1997, since which there have been no revisions to the boundaries. 

A conservation area appraisal and management plan has been prepared for the Florence Garden Conservation Area. This document:

  • Shows the extent of the conservation area boundary;
  • Identifies features of historic and architectural importance within the conservation area; and
  • Sets out management objectives for the conservation area.

Florence Gardens, Hadleigh - Conservation Area Review and Management Plan [pdf] 1,586KB

This area is also subject to an Article 4 Direction

South Benfleet

The conservation area in South Benfleet was designated in November 1988, since which there have been no revisions to the boundaries.

A conservation area appraisal and management plan has been prepared for the South Benfleet Conservation Area. This document:

  • Shows the extent of the conservation area boundary;
  • Identifies features of historic and architectural importance within the conservation area;
  • Sets out management objectives for the conservation area; and
  • Includes a copy of the Article 4 Direction restricting permitted development rights within the conservation area.

South Benfleet - Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan [pdf] 6,833KB




The data is provided under the Open Government Licence.