Dog Breeding

If you are breeding dogs, you may require an 'Animal Activity Licence' under The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.

A person should be a licensed dog breeder if:

- they breed three or more litters of puppies in any 12 month period


- they breed dogs and advertise a business of selling dogs

After applying for a licence an inspection will be completed by a Council Officer and, if necessary, a veterinary surgeon. If a veterinary inspection is required, you will have to pay for this.

During your inspection, you will be risk rated and given a star rating of 1-5. To achieve a higher star rating, you will need to meet higher standards. Your star rating will determine your licence length and licenses can last from 1 to 3 years depending on the star rating achieved. This is explained in further detail in the licence conditions and guidance relevant to your business:

- Breeding Dogs [pdf] 603KB

To apply for a dog breeding licence, please follow the link below:

- Application for Dog Breeding [pdf] 139KB

Completed application forms can be returned to the Council either via post or by email.  In order for your application to be processed further, you must pay the appropriate fee as stated on our 'Application Forms & Fees' webpage.

For further information, please call 01268 882200 or email