Election FAQ's

When is the next Election due to be held and who are the Candidates?


When is the next Election due to be held and who are the Candidates?

There are currently no scheduled elections for 2025. 

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Am I on the Electoral Register and will I be able to vote?

If you live in Castle Point and are included on the Electoral Register at your current address by the qualifying date you will be able to vote at the next elections.  If you are voting in person at a polling station you will need to provide photo ID.  For more information visit: Voter ID.

If you are not sure if you are on the Electoral Register we can check this for you.  Please email elections@castlepoint.gov.uk or telephone 01268 882200.

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I am still on the Electoral Register at my previous address, can I still vote?

Please email elections@castlepoint.gov.uk or telephone 01268 882200 for further advice.

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When will Poll Cards be delivered?

Delivery dates will appear here. There are currently no scheduled elections for 2025. 

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What will my Poll Card look like?

Due to the new requirement for electors to show photo ID at a polling station the size of the polling station poll cards has changed to an A4 paper version, so that the list of accepted photo ID can be included. This means that they will be delivered in C5 sealed envelopes. Postal Poll Cards will be orange A5 cards.

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I have not received my Poll Card

Please email elections@castlepoint.gov.uk or telephone 01268 882200 for further advice.

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I have received a Poll Card(s) for the previous residents

Please email elections@castlepoint.gov.uk to give us the names of the residents no longer living at your address, then please destroy the Poll Card(s).  Please also inform us via email if you have not received a poll card and you believe you should have.

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Do I need Photo ID to vote in the polling station? (Voter Authority Certificate)

Yes, if you do not already have an Acceptable form of photo ID you will need to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.

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I would like to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (Voter ID)

Please visit: Apply for photo ID to vote (called a ‘Voter Authority Certificate’) Alternatively, please email elections@castlepoint.gov.uk or telephone 01268 882200 if you would like a paper form or you need further assistance. 

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I would like to apply for a Postal or Proxy vote

Postal Voting

An application to vote by post must be received by 5pm 11 days before the date of the poll.

You can apply for a postal vote for a particular election, for a set period of time, or a 3 year maximum period. There will no longer be an option to permanently hold a postal vote, instead after a maximum period of three years voters will need to reapply.

Visit Apply for a postal vote - GOV.UK to apply online.


Proxy Voting

An application to vote by proxy must be received by 5pm 6 days before the date of the poll.  Please note the person you choose to vote on your behalf will need to go to your polling station to vote and will need to show their own photo ID to be able to cast your vote.

The law changed on 31 October 2023, there is now a limit to the amount of people you can act as proxy for.  Voters will be limited to acting as a proxy for two people, regardless of their relationship.  Anyone voting on behalf of UK voters who live overseas could act as a proxy for up to four people. Find out more out the changes to proxy voting.

Voters will not be able to apply online if their application needs attesting or if applying for an emergency proxy vote.

Visit Apply for a proxy vote - GOV.UK  to apply online.


If you require any more information, or cannot apply online please email elections@castlepoint.gov.uk  or telephone us on 01268 882200.

When will I receive my Postal Vote and when do I need to return it by?

Deadline will appear here. There are currently no scheduled elections for 2025. 

If you miss the post, you can hand in your postal vote and/or the postal vote of others at the council office during office hours to a person authorised to receive postal votes or at any polling station in the constituency before 10pm on election day. 

You will be provided with a form which you must complete for the postal vote(s) you are handing in to be accepted. You can hand in your own postal vote and postal votes for up to 5 other voters. If you are a political campaigner - you can only hand in your own postal vote plus the votes of up to 5 family members or people for whom you provide regular care. Do not put any postal votes in the letter box of the council office as they will be rejected.

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