Through working in partnership with stakeholders and reviewing a range of evidence we have identified the following key priorities for our three year Equality Scheme.
We will use the action plan in our equality scheme to focus on these priorities and provide clear accountability for their delivery.
Promoting equality in our service delivery
- We will provide easy and convenient access to local services for all residents
- We will develop a robust and accessible communications strategy
- We will continue to improve the accessibility of our website
- We will use available information about our customers to ensure that we are prioritising key equality areas in our work
- We will monitor the effectiveness of our service provision to ensure that we reach all groups
- We will implement a robust involvement strategy to engage and respond to our stakeholders with a stronger emphasis on working with partners
- We will consult and involve representative networks covering all equality groups to help inform our future activities
- We will strengthen our equality procurement framework so that suppliers can demonstrate their commitment to equality and explore training for suppliers as necessary
- We will identify the equality profile of organisations who supply services for us and set targets to ensure they reflect the community we serve
- We shall ensure that we encourage supplier diversity during our procurement procedures
- We will maintain the diversity of our staff to reflect the community we serve across all the equality groups and we will continue to monitor our workforce profile
- We will provide pay gap monitoring information to include gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, age, and religion or belief
- We will develop a workplace environment where all our staff are treated with dignity and respect
- We will continue to improve accessibility in our working practices and to our buildings
- We are also required to specify what our gender objectives are and they include:
- Conduct regular equal pay reviews
- Continue to promote awareness of our Domestic Abuse Policy and offer appropriate training
- Review our Harassment Policy to ensure dignity at work for all