Evidence Upload

Follow these four simple steps to send us your documents:

Step 1
Photograph or scan your documents and save them on your smart phone, tablet or computer.


Step 2
Click on the Send us Evidence link at the bottom of this page and fill in your personal details, including your email address, so we can send you a confirmation receipt.


Step 3
On the form, click the 'Upload & Attach file' button to browse, select, and attach the documents you want to send us. A message will appear to confirm your document has been uploaded successfully.


Step 4

Repeat step 3 for each document you want to send us. When you have finished attaching all your documents, click 'Submit'. Check your email mailbox – you should find a confirmation receipt for your documents.

If you have any problems with this service or need support, please email counciltax@castlepoint.gov.uk


Send us Evidence