Castle Point Borough Council is responsible for ensuring that food hygiene standards are maintained on over 500 premises across our district. These premises range from small local newsagents to large supermarkets and food manufacturers each of which present a different level of risk to the consumer.
Traditionally to enure that standards are maintained we undertake a periodic visit, the frequency of which is related in part to the risks presented, and compliance with food hygiene standards. In practice this means that those premises carrying out high-risk operations or not sufficiently meeting food hygiene legislation would be inspected more frequently (i.e.. every 6 months). In contrast those premises selling low risk and/or pre-packed foods and drink or who only operate occasionally may one be inspected every three years.
To assist in focusing our resources to those, which present the greatest risk, we have developed a self-assessment questionnaire, which is aimed at reducing the number of inspections we undertake of the lower risk food premises.
It is intended that we would still undertake an inspection of a sample of the lower risk premises especially those, which have failed to return the questionnaire. We will also continue to visit premises when a complaint arises, where there is sufficient change in the foods produced, or should you request a visit.