The Castle Point Plan

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The Castle Point Plan

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Get help to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour

When reporting anti-social behaviour please have as much information to hand as you can as names, dates and times are all very useful if you have them. 

Please see the Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) pages if the ASB relates to a property owned by Castle Point Borough Council, or a council tenant.

To report to the local Police you can either contact your Neighbourhood Policing team via the Essex Police website linked below or contact the Essex Police non-emergency number 101. If it is an emergency or you witness a serious crime please use the Essex Police emergency number 999.

Report Anti-social Behaviour


Neighbour problems

If the problem is with a neighbour then we recommend that you try and talk to the neighbour to see if the problem can be sorted out between you.

Of course you should only take this action if you feel it is safe and appropriate to do so.

Once you have spoken to the neighbour, allow a reasonable time before doing anything more, to see if there is any improvement.

If there is no improvement then contact Essex Police if appropriate giving details of the problem.

Actual or threatened violence and/or damage.

If the anti-social behaviour includes someone being:

  • violent or threatening you with violence
  • damaging or threatening damage to your property

You should contact the Essex Police immediately.

Hate crime

We take any allegations and incidents of hate crime very seriously and we will try and help any resident who is a victim of hate crime.

If you are the victim of any hate crime you should contact Essex Police immediately.

Noise nuisance

If the problem is noise nuisance please report this in the first instance to our First Contact Team on 01268 882200

Youth Nuisance and other problems

Any other reports of anti social behaviour e.g. youth nuisance can be reported to here: Report anti-social behaviour