The Castle Point Plan

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The Castle Point Plan

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Healthy Homes and Independent Living

Research shows that one in five homes present a risk to health and wellbeing, particularly from excess cold and falls. This not only impacts on physical health but can affect mental health too.


Avoiding a fall

There are lots of things you can do to help avoid falls in the home. Visit the Age UK website for information and tips to help you stay steady on your feet.  


Damp and mould

Advice on how to prevent and treat damp and mould can be found on the Centre for Sustainable Energy website.


Energy Efficiency

Improving the energy efficiency of your home can help you to keep warm and well and reduce your energy bills. If you live in a home with a low energy performance rating (band D, E, F or G) and you have a household income of £30,000 or less and / or are in receipt of benefits, you may be eligible for a Government Grant to make energy saving improvements. 

The Green Homes Grant is a UK Government funded initiative that aims to improve energy efficiency, make homes warmer, and reduce household bills. The scheme is open to home owners, private tenants, and people in social rented accommodation.  

To find out if you are eligible you will first need to complete this online application form


Community Agents Essex

Community Agents Essex support older people and informal carers to develop independent living solutions from within their local community. A community agent will visit you at home to discuss and help with:

  • Mobility issues
  • Practical living skills
  • Social inclusion
  • Healthy living
  • Caring for someone
  • Individual resilience

To find out more please visit the Community Agents Essex website.


Disabled Facilities Grants

The Government offers grants towards the cost of adapting a home to help people with a disability. The private sector housing section of our website contains more information about Disabled Facilities Grants.