The Castle Point Plan

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How a planning application is decided

Please note: During the 8/13 week decision making process officers will not be able to give you any updates on the progress of any application.  Checking for updates or the current status of a planning application can be done on the Council's website.

Once a planning application has been submitted using the Planning Portal we will:

  • Check that the application is valid and has all the correct supporting documents.
  • Make the application available to view on the Council's website.
  • Write to any affected property owners inviting them to comment.
  • Where relevant, we'll advertise the application on site and in the local media.
  • We'll visit the site and surroundings to assess the impact of the application.
  • We'll assess the proposal against national and local planning policies, taking into account comments received and any relevant documents.
  • We’ll make a decision on the application (where possible) within 8 weeks or 13 weeks for larger developments.
  • Determine the majority of applications at officer level, in line with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation and at Development Management Committee for the types of applications as set out in the Council’s constitution that are required to be decided in that forum.
  • Where the application is to be decided by the Development Management Committee the meeting agendas will be available a week before the meeting. We'll notify the applicant, agent, and anyone who has commented in writing to let them know the details of the committee meeting.
  • We will either grant permission, with appropriate conditions if necessary, or refuse permission.  We'll give reasons for our decision based on relevant planning issues.
  • We'll publish the decision on this website
  • Notify the applicant or agent of the decision and give information on how to appeal a planning decision. 

Further guidance on the decision making process can be found on the Planning Portal.