Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Appeal by Countryside Partnerships (Eastern Home Counties)
Site Address: Land at Brook Farm adjoining 451-469 Daws Heath Road, Hadleigh, Essex,
Appeal Reference APP/M1520/W/24/3351658
The Inquiry shall commence at 10:00am on 15 January 2025 at, Council Chamber, Castle Point Borough Council Offices, Kiln Road, Thundersley, Benfleet, Essex SS7 1TF
The Inquiry Programme — Timetable[pdf] 94KB (15.01.2025)
Core Documents shall be uploaded continually; please check this page periodically for changes.
1.1 Planning Application Form.pdf [pdf] 294KB
1.2 Application Cover Letter.pdf [pdf] 242KB
1.3 Location Plan.pdf [pdf] 321KB
1.4 Proposed Layout Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.5 Proposed Building Height Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.6 Proposed Tenure Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.7 Proposed Parking Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.8 Proposed Housing Mix Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.9 Proposed Back to Back Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.10 Proposed Movement Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.11 Proposed Garden Size Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.12 Proposed Material Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.13 Proposed Refuse Strategy Plan.pdf [pdf] 7MB
1.14 Proposed Boundary Treatment Plan.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.15 Proposed 2-Bed Affordable Type A.pdf [pdf] 7MB
1.16 Proposed 2 Bed Affordable Type B.pdf [pdf] 7MB
1.17 Proposed 3 Bed Affordable Type A.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.18 Proposed 3 Bed Affordable Type B.pdf [pdf] 8MB
1.19 Proposed 3 Bed Affordable Type C.pdf [pdf] 6MB
1.20 Proposed 4 Bed Affordable.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.21 Proposed Affordable Flat Block A Floor Plans.pdf [pdf] 646KB
1.22 Proposed Affordable Flat Block A Elevations.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.23 Proposed Affordable Flat Block B Floor Plans.pdf [pdf] 661KB
1.24 Proposed Affordable Flat Block B Elevations.pdf [pdf] 419KB
1.25 Proposed 2 Bed Bungalow Affordable.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.26 Proposed 3 Bed Bungalow Affordable.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.27 Proposed HT 301 Type A.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.28 Proposed HT 301 Type B.pdf [pdf] 6MB
1.29 Proposed HT 305 Type A.pdf [pdf] 5MB
1.30 Proposed HT 305 Type B.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.31 Proposed HT 1184.pdf [pdf] 9MB
1.32 Proposed HT 309.pdf [pdf] 6MB
1.33 Proposed HT 1002 Type A.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.34 Proposed HT 1002 Type B.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.35 Proposed HT 401 Type A.pdf [pdf] 5MB
1.36 Proposed HT 401 Type B.pdf [pdf] 8MB
1.37 Proposed HT 412.pdf [pdf] 6MB
1.38 Proposed HT 419.pdf [pdf] 6MB
1.39 Proposed HT 500.pdf [pdf] 7MB
1.40 Proposed Single Garage.pdf [pdf] 1MB
1.41 Proposed Double Garage.pdf [pdf] 956KB
1.42 Proposed Street Scenes AA-CC.pdf [pdf] 2MB
1.43 Proposed Street Scenes DD-GG.pdf [pdf] 3MB
1.44 Arboricultural Report and Tree Survey.pdf [pdf] 7MB
1.45 Archaeology Assessment.pdf [pdf] 9MB
1.46 Daws Heath BNG Metric.xlsm [xlsm] 5MB
1.47 DAS Part 1.pdf [pdf] 8MB
1.47 DAS Part 2.pdf [pdf] 5MB
1.47 DAS Part 3.pdf [pdf] 8MB
1.48 Desk Study and Risk Assessment (other appendices available on request).pdf [pdf] 1MB
1.49 Ecological Impact Assessment.pdf [pdf] 4MB
1.50 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf [pdf] 7MB
1.51 Health Impact Assessment.pdf [pdf] 732KB
1.52 Landscape Management and Maintenance Plan.pdf [pdf] 657KB
1.53 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.pdf [pdf] 8MB
1.53 LVIA.pdf [pdf] 5MB
1.54 Noise Assessment.pdf [pdf] 2MB
1.55 Planning Statement.pdf [pdf] 1MB
1.56 HRA Assessment.pdf [pdf] 1MB
1.57 SUDs Proforma.pdf [pdf] 531KB
1.58 Sustainability Statement.pdf [pdf] 653KB
1.59 Transport Statement Part 1.pdf [pdf] 9MB
1.59 Transport Statement Part 2.pdf [pdf] 8MB
1.59 Transport Statement Part 3.pdf [pdf] 9MB
1.59 Transport Statement Part 4.pdf [pdf] 2MB
1.60 Utilites Assessment Part 1.pdf [pdf] 10MB
1.60 Utilities Assessment Part 2.pdf [pdf] 9MB
1.60 Utilities Assessment Part 3.pdf [pdf] 9MB
1.60 Utilities Assessment Part 4.pdf [pdf] 9MB
1.60 Utilities Assessment Part 5.pdf [pdf] 10MB
1.60 Utilities Assessment Part 6.pdf [pdf] 10MB
1.60 Utilities Assessment Part 7.pdf [pdf] 7MB
1.60 Utilities Assessment Part 8.pdf [pdf] 2MB
1.61 Landscape and Open Space Strategy Plan.pdf [pdf] 6MB
2.1 Proposed Site Layout Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.2 Storey Heights Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.3 Housing Tenure Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.4 Parking Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.5 Housing Mix Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.6 Back to Back Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.7 Movement Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.8 Garden Size Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.9 Materials Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.10 Refuse Strategy Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.11 Boundary Treatment Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2.12 House Type 2Bed Affordable - Type A.pdf [pdf] 7MB
2.13 House Type 2Bed Affordable - Type B.pdf [pdf] 8MB
2.14 House Type 3Bed Affordable - Type A.pdf [pdf] 3MB
2.15 House Type 3Bed Affordable - Type B.pdf [pdf] 8MB
2.16 House Type 3Bed Affordable - Type C.pdf [pdf] 6MB
2.17 Apartment Type A Floor Plans.pdf [pdf] 660KB
2.18 Apartment Type A Elevations.pdf [pdf] 9MB
2.19 Apartment Type B Floor Plans.pdf [pdf] 693KB
2.20 Apartment Type B Elevations.pdf [pdf] 409KB
2.21 2Bed Bungalow Affordable.pdf [pdf] 524KB
2.22 House Type 301 - Type A.pdf [pdf] 3MB
2.23 House Type 301 - Type B.pdf [pdf] 5MB
2.24 House Type 305 - Type A.pdf [pdf] 5MB
2.25 House Type 305 - Type B.pdf [pdf] 3MB
2.26 House Type 1184.pdf [pdf] 659KB
2.27 House Type 309.pdf [pdf] 6MB
2.28 House Type 1002 - Type A.pdf [pdf] 4MB
2.29 House Type 1002 - Type B.pdf [pdf] 3MB
2.30 House Type 412.pdf [pdf] 6MB
2.31 House Type 419.pdf [pdf] 6MB
2.32 House Type 500 - Type A.pdf [pdf] 7MB
2.33 House Type 500 - Type B.pdf [pdf] 7MB
2.34 Single Garage.pdf [pdf] 1MB
2.35 Double Garage.pdf [pdf] 921KB
2.36 Proposed Street Scenes 1 of 2.pdf [pdf] 719KB
2.37 Proposed Street Scenes 2 of 2.pdf [pdf] 1MB
2.38 Apartment Block Cycle Store.pdf [pdf] 180KB
2.39 Apartment Block Refuse Store.pdf [pdf] 294KB
2.40 Update Ecological Impact Assessment.pdf [pdf] 10MB
2.41 BNG 3.1 Metric Rev B.xlsm [xlsm] 5MB
2.42 Transport Assessment Addendum.pdf [pdf] 7MB
2.43 Desk Study and Risk Assessment (other appendices available on request).pdf [pdf] 3MB
3.1 Decision Notice.pdf [pdf] 159KB
3.2 Committee Report.pdf [pdf] 24MB
3.3 Minutes of Development Management Committee.pdf [pdf] 227KB
4.1 Adopted Local Plan Saved Policies.pdf [pdf] 362KB
4.2 Adopted Proposals Map 1998.pdf [pdf] 30MB
4.3 Adopted Local Plan Chapter 1 Introduction.pdf[pdf] 106KB
4.4 Adopted Local Plan Chapter 2 The Green Belt.pdf [pdf] 124KB
4.5 Adopted Local Plan Chapter 4 Housing and Population.pdf [pdf] 128KB
5.1 Residential Design Guide SPD.pdf [pdf] 7MB
5.2 Affordable Housing SPD.pdf [pdf] 473KB
5.3 Castle-Point Healthcare Facilities SPD.pdf [pdf] 179KB
5.4 Castle Point Highways SPD.pdf [pdf] 158KB
5.5 Castle Point Playing Pitches SPD.pdf [pdf] 240KB
5.6 Essex Coast RAMS SPD.pdf [pdf] 1MB
6.1 Report on the Examination of the New Castle Point Local Plan.pdf [pdf] 366KB
6.2 New Castle Point Local Plan 2018-2033.pdf [pdf] 2MB
6.3 Ordinary Council_Adoption of New Castle Point Local Plan Report.pdf [pdf] 214KB
6.4 Local Plan Inspector's Post-Hearing Letter.pdf [pdf] 200KB
6.5 Castle-Point Pre submission Local Plan Policies Map 2019.pdf [pdf] 27MB
6.6 Pre-submission-Local-Plan-2019.pdf [pdf] 2MB
6.7 Pre-submission-Local-Plan-Policies-Map-2019.pdf [pdf] 27MB
7.1 Castle Point Borough Green Belt Review Part 1 2018.pdf [pdf] 7MB
7.2 Castle Point Borough Green Belt Review Part 2 2018.pdf [pdf] 3MB
7.3 Green Belt Review Part 2 Addendum 2021.pdf [pdf] 2MB
7.4 Green Belt Topic Paper 2018.pdf [pdf] 1MB
7.5 Strategic Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment Update.pdf [pdf] 225KB
7.6 Large Site Capacity Assessment.pdf [pdf] 15MB
7.7 South Essex Housing Needs Assessment.pdf [pdf] 3MB
7.8 Castle Point Authority Monitoring Report 2021-2022.pdf [pdf] 1MB
7.9 Castle Point Local Housing Need Assessment.pdf [pdf] 2MB
7.10 Castle Point borough guidance for assessing GB applications.pdf [pdf] 2MB
7.11 Castle Point Corporate-Plan-2021-2024.pdf [pdf] 3MB
7.12 Housing Development and Finance Manager e-mail.pdf [pdf] 329KB
7.13 Castle Point Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019-2024.pdf [pdf] 690KB
7.14 Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Third Edition.pdf [pdf] 22MB
7.15 Landscape Institute TGN 02 24 GLVIA3 clarifications.pdf [pdf] 442KB
7.16 Assessing Landscape Value Outside National Designations.pdf [pdf] 1MB
7.17 Building the homes we need Ministerial Statement 30 July 2024
7.18 Draft New NPPF 2024.pdf [pdf] 1MB
7.19 Landscape Sensitivity Assessment.pdf [pdf] 8MB
7.20 South Essex Strategic Green and Blue Infrastructure Study.pdf [pdf] 39MB
7.21 Castle Point Issues and Options Consultation Document 2024.pdf [pdf] 14MB
7.22 South Essex Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2016.pdf [pdf] 7MB
7.23 South Essex Strategic Housing Market Assessment Addendum 2017.pdf [pdf] 2MB
7.24 New Local Plan 2024.pdf [pdf] 49MB
7.25 Green Belt Boundary Review 2013.pdf [pdf] 5MB
7.26 Draft New Local Plan 2016.pdf [pdf] 47MB
7.27 Castle Point Local Development Scheme January 2024.pdf [pdf] 265KB
7.27 CPBC Local Plan Board NoM 11th Sept 2024.pdf [pdf] 194KB
7.28 Natural England Green Infrastructure Standards for England Summary v1.1.pdf [pdf] 720KB
7.29 CPBC Authority Monitoring Report 2022_24.pdf [pdf] 1MB
7.30 Greenbelt Landscape Assessment for Castle Point 2010.pdf [pdf] 4MB
7.31 Addendum to the South Essex Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Castle Point 2020.pdf [pdf] 725KB
7.32 NPPF December 2023.pdf [pdf] 652KB
7.33 NPPF December 2024.pdf [pdf] 847KB
7.34 PPG Paragraph 001 Reference ID. 64-001-20190722.pdf [pdf] 218KB
8.1 Land south of Daws Heath Road, Thundersley APPM1520W233329585.pdf [pdf] 202KB
8.2 Land east of Rayleigh Road, Thundersley APPM1520W243338797.pdf [pdf] 204KB
8.3 Oxford Brookes University.pdf [pdf] 1MB
8.4 Colney Hatch.pdf [pdf] 357KB
8.5 Woolpit.pdf [pdf] 284KB
8.6 Audlem Road Nantwich.pdf [pdf] 1MB
8.7 Cox Green Road Surrey.pdf [pdf] 227KB
8.8 Station Road North Dorset.pdf [pdf] 257KB
8.9 Westhampnet Chichester.pdf [pdf] 259KB
8.10 Weddington Nuneaton.pdf [pdf] 418KB
8.11 Woburn Sands Milton Keynes.pdf [pdf] 912KB
8.12 Darnhall School Lane Winsford.pdf [pdf] 1MB
8.13 Gleneagles Way Hatfield Peverel.pdf [pdf] 1MB
8.14 Popes Lane Sturry.pdf [pdf] 284KB
8.15 Sonning Common Oxfordshire.pdf [pdf] 421KB
8.16 Freeland, Oxon.pdf [pdf] 227KB
8.17 Biggleswade.pdf [pdf] 213KB
8.18 Spruce Close Exeter.pdf [pdf] 234KB
8.19 Four Marks Alton.pdf [pdf] 259KB
8.20 Leighton Road, Stanbridge.pdf[pdf] 122KB
9.1 Samuel Smith Old Brewery v North Yorkshire County Council 2020.pdf [pdf] 100KB
9.2 Turner v SoS.pdf [pdf] 5MB
9.3 Compton PC et all v Guildford BC and SoS.pdf [pdf] 30MB
9.4 Euro Garages Limited v SoS.pdf [pdf] 273KB
9.5 Vistry and Fairfax.pdf [pdf] 584KB
9.6 Gallagher Estates Ltd & Lioncourt Homes Ltd v Solihull MBC.pdf [pdf] 58KB
9.7 R_(Chelmsford)_v_First_Secretary_of_State_and_DRAPER__2003__EWHC_2978.pdf [pdf] 144KB
9.8 R-Basildon-District-Council-v-First-Secretary-of-State and TEMPLE-2004-JPL-942.pdf [pdf] 218KB
9.9 Wychavon_District_Council_v_Secretary_of_State_and_Butler__2008__EWCA_Civ_692 CARNWATH.pdf [pdf] 249KB
10.1 - Signed Statement of Common Ground.pdf [pdf] 146KB
10.2 Housing Land Supply Statement of Common Ground.pdf [pdf] 233KB
10.3 Updated Housing Land Supply Statement of Common Ground.pdf [pdf] 233KB
11.1 Appellant's Statement of Case.pdf [pdf] 324KB
11.2 Council's Statement of Case.pdf [pdf] 190KB
12.1 Pre CMC Note.pdf [pdf] 118KB
12.2 CMC Summary Note.pdf [pdf] 167KB
12.3 Proof of Evidence Housing Land Supply_Mr Pycroft.pdf [pdf] 7MB
12.4 Proof of Evidence Affordable Housing_Ms Gingell.pdf [pdf] 2MB
12.5 Proof of Evidence Green Belt_Mr Gibbs.pdf [pdf] 6MB
12.6 Proof of Evidence Planning_Mr Wood.pdf [pdf] 587KB
12.7 Council Proof of Evidence -Mr Gittens.pdf [pdf] 2MB
12.8 Appellant Inquiry Opening.pdf [pdf] 17MB
12.9 Councils Inquiry Opening.pdf [pdf] 44KB
12.10 Cllr Lillis Public Representation.pdf [pdf] 59KB
12.11 Cllr Copsey Public Representation.pdf [pdf] 111KB
12.12 Cllr Harbinson Public Representation.pdf [pdf] 72KB
12.13 Draft Timetable.pdf [pdf] 94KB
CD 12.14 Revised Local Development Scheme and Update on the Castle Point Plan - Special Council - 29 02 2025.pdf [pdf] 497KB
12.15 Councils Closings.pdf [pdf] 157KB
12.16 Appellants Closings.pdf [pdf] 17MB
13.1 Draft Conditions.pdf[pdf] 244KB
13.2 Draft S106.pdf[pdf] 7MB
13.3 CIL Statement.pdf [pdf] 172KB
13.4 Section 106 Agreement Summary.pdf [pdf] 158KB
13.5 Draft Conditions 23.01.2025.pdf [pdf] 154KB
14.1 CPBC Legal Services.pdf [pdf] 5KB
14.2 Essex Fire and Rescue Service.pdf [pdf] 180KB
14.3 Essex Badger Protection Group.pdf [pdf] 5MB
14.4 CPBC Environmental Health.pdf [pdf] 153KB
14.5 Natural England.pdf [pdf] 184KB
14.6 CPBC Housing Development and Finance Team.pdf [pdf] 329KB
14.7 Anglian Water.pdf [pdf] 59KB
14.8 Lead Local Flood Authority.pdf [pdf] 172KB
14.9 Green Infrastructure Environment and Climate Action.pdf [pdf] 464KB
14.10 Environment Agency.pdf [pdf] 76KB
14.11 NHS England.pdf [pdf] 2MB
14.12 Infrastucture Planning Officer.pdf [pdf] 340KB
14.13 Essex Highway Authority.pdf [pdf] 685KB
14.14 Essex Police.pdf [pdf] 1MB
14.15 Natural England.pdf [pdf] 89KB
14.16 Place Services Ecology Consultation Response.pdf [pdf] 320KB