The Castle Point Plan

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The Castle Point Plan

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Land East of Rayleigh Road Appeal

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Appeal by Mr Mark Sperrin of This Land Development Limited

Site Address: Land East of Rayleigh Road, Thundersley, Essex, SS7 4PS

Appeal Reference APP/M1520/W/24/333879


Programme Schedule -  Inquiry Programme [pdf] 88KB - 31.05.2024

It has been agreed across the parties involved and with the Inspectors consent that the Programme Schedule will be altered so that the site visit will be undertaken on Thursday afternoon, with closings now taking place starting at midday on Friday. (added on 06.06.2024)


Core Documents List[pdf] 219KB - updated on 05.06.2024

List of Core Documents

List of documents below in line with the Core Documents list.

1 Application Documents

CD1.1 Application Form.pdf [pdf] 605KB

CD1.2 Design and Access Statement - Part 1.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.2 Design and Access Statement - Part 2.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.2 Design and Access Statement - Part 3.pdf [pdf] 6MB

CD1.2 Design and Access Statement - Part 4.pdf [pdf] 8MB

CD1.2 Design and Access Statement - Part 5.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.2 Design and Access Statement - Part 6.pdf [pdf] 8MB

CD1.2 Design and Access Statement - Part 7.pdf [pdf] 8MB

CD1.3 Site Location Plan.pdf [pdf] 514KB

CD1.4 Planning Statement.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD1.5 Site Access Drawings.pdf [pdf] 959KB

CD1.6 Land Use and Vehicular Access Parameter Plan.pdf [pdf] 651KB

CD1.7 Non-vehicular Access Parameter Plan.pdf [pdf] 677KB

CD1.8 Multi-functional Open Space Parameter Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD1.9 Building Scale Parameter Plan.pdf [pdf] 622KB

CD1.10 Phasing Plan.pdf [pdf] 3MB

CD1.11 Flood Risk Assessment - Part 1.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.11 Flood Risk Assessment - Part 2.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.11 Flood Risk Assessment - Part 3.pdf [pdf] 8MB

CD1.11 Flood Risk Assessment - Part 4.pdf [pdf] 8MB

CD1.11 Flood Risk Assessment - Part 5.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.11 Flood Risk Assessment - Part 6.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.11 Flood Risk Assessment - Part 7.pdf [pdf] 5MB

CD1.12 Transport Assessment - Part 1.pdf [pdf] 7MB

CD1.12 Transport Assessment - Part 2.pdf [pdf] 7MB

CD1.12 Transport Assessment - Part 3.pdf [pdf] 5MB

CD1.12 Transport Assessment - Part 4.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.12 Transport Assessment - Part 5.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.12 Transport Assessment - Part 6.pdf [pdf] 7MB

CD1.12 Transport Assessment - Part 7.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD1.13 Travel Plan.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD1.14 Ecological Impact Assessment - Part 1.pdf [pdf] 20MB

CD1.14 Ecological Impact Assessment - Part 2.pdf [pdf] 5MB

CD1.15 Biodiversity Net Gain Matric (appendix 6).xlsm [xlsm] 5MB

CD1.16 Habitats Regulations Assessment.pdf [pdf] 855KB

CD1.17 Biodiversity Net Gain Design Stage Report.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD1.18 Built Heritage Statement.pdf [pdf] 3MB

CD1.19 Desk Based Archaeological Assessment.pdf [pdf] 6MB

CD1.20 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.pdf [pdf] 8MB

CD1.21 Arboricultural Impact Assessment.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.22 Air Quality Assessment.pdf [pdf] 5MB

CD1.23 Noise Impact Assessment.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD1.24 Utilities Appraisal Report.pdf [pdf] 3MB

CD1.25 Energy Statement.pdf [pdf] 920KB

CD1.26 Health Impact Assessment.pdf [pdf] 862KB

CD1.27 Statement of Community Involvement.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.28 Infiltration Assessment.pdf [pdf] 6MB

CD1.29 Phase 1 Ground Conditions Assessment - Part 1.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.29 Phase 1 Ground Conditions Assessment - Part 2.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD1.30 Preliminary Ground Investigation Technical Note.pdf [pdf] 352KB

CD1.31 Section 106 Draft Heads of Terms.pdf [pdf] 185KB

CD1.32 Application Cover Letter.pdf [pdf] 101KB

CD1.33 Application Submission Schedule.pdf [pdf] 155KB


2 Documents submitted post application validation (predetermination)

CD2.1 Updated Ecological Surveys Addendum.pdf [pdf] 4MB

CD2.2 Letter to Case Officer regarding planning appeal at 248 Hart Road, Thundersley (dated 8 June 2023).pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD2.3 Latter to Case Officer regarding planning appeal at Manor Trading Estate, Benfleet (dated 8 June 2023).pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD2.4 SES Ecology Response to Essex Wildlife Trust.pdf [pdf] 252KB

CD2.5 Letter to Case Officer date 9 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 515KB

CD2.6 Agricultural Land Classification Survey.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD2.7 eDNA Update Surveys.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD2.8 Updated Submission Schedule (requested by Case Officer).pdf [pdf] 169KB

CD2.9 Latter to Case Officer dated 20 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 249KB

CD2.10 Arcadia Approach Extract.pdf [pdf] 89KB

CD2.11 Updated Section 106 Draft Heads of Terms.pdf [pdf] 226KB

CD2.12 Energy Statement Addendum.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD2.13 APPC2741W213282598 – Land to the East of New Lane, Huntington, York, 17 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD2.13 APPC2741W213282598 – Land to the East of New Lane, Huntington, York, 17 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD2.14 Suggested Draft Planning Conditions.pdf [pdf] 199KB


3 Relevant Correspondence with Castle Point Borough Council

CD3.1 Liam Ryder – Sophie Adams – updated Ecological Impact Assessment Survey Addendum – 21 April 2023.pdf [pdf] 617KB

CD3.2 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – agree extension of time – 25 May 2023.pdf [pdf] 526KB

CD3.3 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – 248 Hart Road, Thundersley appeal decision – 8 June 2023.pdf [pdf] 529KB

CD3.4 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – Manor Trading Estate, Benfleet appeal decision – 8 June 2023.pdf [pdf] 535KB

CD3.5 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – SES response to EWT – 8 June 2023.pdf [pdf] 539KB

CD3.6 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – agree extension of time – 4 July 2023.pdf [pdf] 528KB

CD3.7 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – EHO Response – 24 July 2023.pdf [pdf] 541KB

CD3.8 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – agree extension of time – 4 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 527KB

CD3.9 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – letter regarding application – 9 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 531KB

CD3.10 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – submission of agricultural land classification survey – 10 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 558KB

CD3.11 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner Stephen Garner – overview of meeting – 10 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 538KB

CD3.12 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – confirm report writing deadline – 16 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.13 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – confirm consultee responses received to date – 17 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.14 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – Essex County Council Highways response – 17 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 608KB

CD3.15 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – confirm whether Place Services instructed – 17 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.16 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – submit eDNA surveys GCN Technical Note – 23 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 539KB

CD3.17 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – agree extension of time – 1 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 527KB

CD3.18 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – request confirmation of EoT – 7 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 856KB

CD3.19 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – EoT clarifications – 7 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.20 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – query re committee report – 13 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 532KB

CD3.21 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – identified concerns with application – 19 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.22 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – request clarifications regarding plans for approval – 19 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.23 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – confirmation of relevant plans – 19 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.24 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – confirm application concerns – 20 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 876KB

CD3.25 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – letter in response to identified concerns – 20 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.26 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder -Place Services Sport and Recreation responses – 21 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 1003KB

CD3.27 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – query re committee report writing timeframe – 27 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 533KB

CD3.28 Liam Ryder – Stephen Garner – updated regarding application – 2 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 852KB

CD3.29 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – agree extension of time – 10 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 527KB

CD3.30 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – ecology clarifications – 16 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD3.31 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – historic landscape Place Services response - 23 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 900KB

CD3.32 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – HRA query – 23 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD3.33 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – response re HRA query – 24 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD3.34 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – further response re HRA – 24 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD3.35 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – submit Huntington Appeal Decision – 27 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 628KB

CD3.36 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – updated Section 106 Draft Heads of Terms – 27 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 533KB

CD3.36 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – updated Section 106 Draft Heads of Terms – 27 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 533KB

CD3.37 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – Place Services ecology response – 30 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 894KB

CD3.38 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – submit Energy Statement Addendum – 30 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 529KB

CD3.39 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – request extension of time – 2 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 855KB

CD3.40 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – draft condition schedule – 3 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 484KB

CD3.41 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – updated draft conditions schedule – 3 November 2023 - Part 1.pdf [pdf] 532KB

CD3.41 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – updated draft conditions schedule – 3 November 2023 - Part 2.pdf [pdf] 532KB

CD3.43 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – refuse discussion regarding missed report writing deadline – 6 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.44 Liam Ryder – Stephen Garner – advise committee report not complete – 6 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 529KB

CD3.45 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – request meeting – 6 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.46 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – further correspondence – 8 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.47 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – confirm committee date – 9 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 854KB

CD3.48 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – request extension of time – 16 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 856KB

CD3.49 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – confirm recommendation of refusal – 28 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.50 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – confirm applicant happy to pay RAMS contribution – 1 December 2023.pdf [pdf] 528KB

CD3.51 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – request confirmation committee report complete – 4 December 2023.pdf [pdf] 527KB

CD3.52 Terrence Garner – Liam Ryder – confirm report complete and request extension of time – 5 December 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.53 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – confirm no further extensions of time – 6 December 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD3.54 Liam Ryder – Terrence Garner – request confirmation regarding Castle Point Local Housing Needs Assessment – 6 December 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB


4 Consultee Responses (Neighbour Responses not provided by Castle Point Borough Council)

CD4.1 Adult Social Care – 1 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 18KB

CD4.2 Essex Police – 1 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD4.3 Housing Development Finance Officer (affordable housing) – 1 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 6KB

CD4.4 Street Scene - Waste – 9 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 6KB

CD4.5 Legal Services – 10 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 17KB

CD4.6 Environmental Health Officer (Noise)– 20 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 169KB

CD4.7 Green Infrastructure – 21 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 170KB

CD4.8 Essex Badger Protection Group – 28 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 26KB

CD4.9 Natural England (initial response)– 28 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 65KB CD4.9 Natural England (initial response)– 28 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 65KB

CD4.10 Lead Local Flood Authority – 29 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 66KB

CD4.11 Essex County Council Infrastructure – 3 April 2023.pdf [pdf] 97KB

CD4.12 NHS.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD4.13 Natural England (update) – 4 May 2023.pdf [pdf] 27KB

CD4.14 Essex Wildlife Trust – 9 May 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD4.15 Essex County Council Highways – 17 August 2023.pdf [pdf] 192KB

CD4.16 Environmental Health Officer (Air Quality) – 6 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 113KB

CD4.17 CPBC Sport and Recreation – 21 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 1003KB

CD4.18 Natural England – Agricultural Land Classification – 12 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 509KB

CD4.19 Place Services – Historic Landscape – 23 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 134KB

CD4.20 Place Services – Ecology – 27 October 2023.pdf [pdf] 398KB add on 04.06.2024

CD4.21 Natural England (full response) – 2 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 122KB add on 04.06.2024


5 Decision notice and Committee Report

CD5.1 Decision notice (22 June 2023).pdf [pdf] 144KB

CD5.2 Delegated Officer’s Report (14 June 2023).pdf [pdf] 1MB


6 Planning Policy Documents

CD6.1 Green Belt Review Part One (2018).pdf [pdf] 7MB

CD6.2 Green Belt Review Part Two (2018).pdf [pdf] 3MB

CD6.3 Green Belt Review Part Two Addendum (2021).pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD6.4 Green Belt Topic Paper (2018).pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD6.5 Green Belt Topic Paper (2018).pdf [pdf] 225KB

CD6.6 Large Sites Capacity Assessment, Rev D, (December 2019)r.pdf [pdf] 15MB

CD6.7 South Essex Councils (SEC) Vision and Priorities, Housing, extracted May 2024.pdf [pdf] 382KB

CD6.8 SEC Vision and Priorities, Housing, Homes England Partnership, extracted May 2024.pdf [pdf] 396KB

CD6.9 South Essex Councils (SEC) Joint Committee Meeting 24th February 2024, Agenda Item 5..pdf [pdf] 143KB

CD6.10 Basildon, Local Plan – latest news and updates, extracted May 2024.pdf [pdf] 383KB

CD6.11 Basildon Housing Delivery Test Action Plan, June 2023.pdf [pdf] 758KB

CD6.12 Basildon 5 Year Land Supply Report, June 2023.pdf [pdf] 820KB

CD6.13 Brentwood 5 Year Land Supply Report, October 2022.pdf [pdf] 111KB

CD6.14 Rochford Authority Monitoring Report 2022-2023.pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD6.15 Southend Local Plan, Refining the Plan Options 2021, 2.3i – Requirement for New Homes, extracted May 2024.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD6.16 Thurrock Local Plan, Initial Proposals Document, Section 5 extract, December 2023.pdf [pdf] 577KB

CD6.17 Thurrock Local Plan, Five Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement, July 2016.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD6.18 Thurrock Planning Policy Monitoring, Housing Completions 202223, extracted May 2024.pdf [pdf] 113KB

CD6.19 South Essex Housing Needs Assessment, June 2022.pdf [pdf] 3MB

CD6.20 Castle Point Authority Monitoring Report 2021-2022.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD6.21 Castle Point Cabinet 15 June 2022 Agenda Item 8 Report on Notice of Motion regarding the Castle Point Local Plan.pdf [pdf] 264KB

CD6.22 Castle Point Local Housing Need Assessment, Opinion Research Services, December 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD6.23 Local Housing Need (LHN) Proof of Evidence of Jonathan Lee, on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council, 11 May 2021.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD6.24 Green Belt Landscape Assessment (2010).pdf [pdf] 9MB

CD6.25 Castle Point borough guidance for assessing planning applications in the green belt in Castle Point (Nov 2023).pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD6.26 Statement of Common Ground associated with EIP (signed April May 2021).pdf [pdf] 536KB

CD6.27 Castle Point Developers Contributions Guidance, Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), Affordable Housing, March 2023..pdf [pdf] 473KB

CD6.28 Castle Point Developers Contributions Guidance, Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), Healthcare Facilities, March 2023.pdf [pdf] 179KB

CD6.29 Castle Point Developers Contributions Guidance, Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), Highways, Travel, Education, Libraries, Flooding & Drainage Infrastructure, March 2023 [pdf] 158KB

CD6.30 Castle Point Developers Contributions Guidance, Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), Playing Pitches and Indoor Built Facilities, March 2023.pdf [pdf] 240KB

CD6.31 Castle Point Local Plan Proposals Map (1998).pdf [pdf] 30MB add on 03.06.2024

CD6.32 Essex Landscape Character Assessment Final Report 2003.pdf [pdf] 19MB add on 03.06.2024


7 Withdrawn Castle Point Local Plan (2018-2033)

CD7.1 Report on the Examination of the New Castle Point Local Plan, The Planning Inspectorate, 3rd March 2022.pdf [pdf] 366KB

CD7.2 Castle Point Ordinary Council 23rd March 2022, Agenda Item 11, Appendix 3, Final Local Plan.pdf [pdf] 2MB

CD7.3 Castle Point Ordinary Council 23rd March 2022, Agenda Item 11, Adoption of the Castle Point Local Plan.pdf [pdf] 214KB

CD7.4 Inspector’s Post Hearings Letter, 6 September 2021.pdf [pdf] 200KB


8 Appeal decisions

CD8.1 Land rear of 248 Hart Road, Thundersley (APPM1520W223310483), allowed 26 May 2023.pdf [pdf] 197KB

CD8.2 Land East of Manor Trading Estate (APPM1520W223310794), dismissed 9 May 2023.pdf [pdf] 301KB

CD8.3 Land north and south of Chiswell Green Lane, Chiswell Green, St Albans (APPB1930W223313110 & APPB1930W223312277), allowed 22 March 2024 .pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD8.4 Land north of Kennel Lane, Billericay (APPV1505W223298599), allowed 9 December 2022.pdf [pdf] 367KB

CD8.5 Land lying to the east of Hartfield Avenue and fronting on to Barnet Lane, Elstree, Hertfordshire (APP/N1920/W/23/3329947), allowed 25 March 2024 [pdf] 419KB

CD8.6 Land at Sondes Place Farm, Westcott Road, Dorking (APPC3620W323324631), allowed 28 November 2023.pdf [pdf] 292KB

CD8.7 Roundhouse Farm, Land off Bullens Green Lane, Colney Heath (APPB1930W203265925 & APPC1950W203265926), allowed 14 June 2021.pdf [pdf] 357KB

CD8.8 Land south of Dunton Road, Basildon (APPV1505W233325933), allowed 11 December 2023.pdf [pdf] 218KB

CD8.9 Haydock Point - Land at A580 A49 - Ref APPH4315W203256871.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD8.10 Leverhulme – Various Sites Lead Ref. APPW4325W223313729 all dismissed 13 September 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

CD8.11 Burstons Garden Centre St Albans APP B1930W193235642.pdf [pdf] 195KB

CD8.12 Land south of Jotmans Lane, Benfleet (APPM1520A142216062) dismissed 21 April 2017.pdf [pdf] 473KB

CD8.13 Land rear of 301 Rayleigh Road Thundersley (APPM1520W193240145) dismissed 12 August 2020.pdf [pdf] 153KB

CD8.14 Land rear of 17-49 Church Lane, Sarratt (APP/P1940/W/22/3311477) and land adjacent to 97 Church Lane, Sarratt (APP/P1940/W/22/3311479), allowed 3 May 2024 [pdf] 392KB

CD8.15 Wyndley Garden Centre, Warwick Road, Knowle, APPQ4625W213285876, appeal allowed 25 March 2022.pdf [pdf] 216KB


9 Signed Statement of Common Ground

CD9.1 Signed Statement of Common Ground (3 May 2024).pdf [pdf] 111KB

CD9.2 Signed Statement of Common Ground Addendum (17 May 2024).pdf [pdf] 147KB


10 Inquiry Documents

CD10.1 Pre-Case Management Conference Note.pdf [pdf] 120KB

CD10.2 Post-Case Management Conference Notes.pdf [pdf] 139KB

CD10.3 Local Authority Proof Phillip Hughes (Planning).pdf [pdf] 4MB add on 05.06.2024

CD10.4 Local Authority Proof Appendices of Phillip Hughes.pdf [pdf] 3MB add on 05.06.2024

CD10.5 Appellant Proof Andrew Smith (Landscape & Visual).pdf [pdf] 6MB add on 05.06.2024

CD10.6 Appellant Proof Appendices of Andrew Smith.PDF [pdf] 4MB add on 05.06.2024

CD10.7 Appellant Proof James Donagh (Housing Need Summary).pdf [pdf] 144KB add on 05.06.2024

CD10.8 Appellant Proof James Donagh (Housing Need).pdf [pdf] 491KB add on 05.06.2024

CD10.9 Appellant Proof Appendices of James Donagh.pdf [pdf] 3MB add on 05.06.2024

CD10.10 Appellant Proof Liam Ryder (Green Belt and Other Matters).pdf [pdf] 664KB add on 05.06.2024


11 Statements of Case

CD11.1 Appellant’s Statement of Case.pdf [pdf] 614KB

CD11.2 CPBC’s Statement of Case.pdf [pdf] 5MB


12 Case Law

CD12.1 Timmins and Anr and Gedling Borough Council [2014] EWHC 654 (Admin).pdf [pdf] 395KB

CD12.2 R (Lee Valley RPA) v Epping Forest DC [2016] EWCA Civ 404.pdf [pdf] 229KB

CD12.3 Turner v SSCLG [2016] EWCA Civ 466.pdf [pdf] 218KB CD12.3 Turner v SSCLG [2016] EWCA Civ 466.pdf [pdf] 218KB

CD12.4 R (Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster) & Ors v N. Yorks CC [2020] UKSC 3.pdf [pdf] 100KB

CD12.5 Euro Garages Limited v Secretary of State for the Environment [2018] EWHC 175.pdf [pdf] 212KB

CD12.6 SoS CLG, Reigate and Banstead BC, Tandridge DC and Redhill Aerodrome Ltd [2014] EWCA Civ 1386.pdf [pdf] 181KB

CD12.7 R (Chelmsford) v First Secretary of State and Draper [2003] EWHC 2978.pdf [pdf] 141KB

CD12.8 R (Basildon District Council) v First Secretary of State and Temple [2004] EWHC 2759 (Admin).pdf [pdf] 89KB

CD12.9 Wychavon District Council v Secretary of State and Butler [2008] EWCA Civ 692.pdf [pdf] 167KB

CD12.10 St Albans v Hunston Properties Ltd and Anor EWCA Civ. 1610.pdf [pdf] 214KB

CD12.11 Cawrey Ltd and SoSCLG and Hinkley and Bosworth BC [2016] EWHC 1198 (Admin).pdf [pdf] 222KB

CD12.12 Borough of Telford and Wrekin v SoSCLG & Anr [2016] EWHC 3073 (Admin).pdf [pdf] 161KB

CD12.13 Ward v Secretary of State [2024] EWHC 676 (Admin).pdf [pdf] 422KB

CD12.14 R (on the application of Luton BC) v Central Bedfordshire Council [2015] EWCA Civ 537.pdf [pdf] 947KB add on 03-06-2024


13 Planning Applications

CD13.1 Plan of Green Belt Applications and Appeals in Castle Point.pdf [pdf] 718KB

CD13.2 2010 Planning Application Site Plan and Indicative Layout Plan (CPT35610OUT).PDF [pdf] 2MB

CD13.3 Land South of Daws Hill Road Illustrative Layout Plan and Committee Report.PDF [pdf] 12MB


14 Inquiry Documents Submitted During Event

CD14.1 Opening - Appellant - This Land.pdf [pdf] 138KB add on 04.06.2024

CD14.2 Opening - Castle Point Borough Council.pdf [pdf] 73KB add on 04.06.2024

CD14.3 Cllr Tim Copsey Representation.pdf [pdf] 2MB add on 04.06.2024

CD14.4 Rebecca Harris Representation.pdf [pdf] 6MB add on 04.06.2024

CD14.5 Cllr Rob Lillis Representation.pdf [pdf] 56KB add on 04.06.2024

CD14.6 Draft Proposed Site Visit Route.pdf [pdf] 875KB add on 04.06.2024

CD14.7 DRAFT Planning Conditions.pdf [pdf] 223KB add on 06.06.2024

CD14.8 DRAFT S106 Legal Agreement.pdf [pdf] 547KB add on 06.06.2024

CD14.9 DRAFT Revised Planning Conditions.pdf [pdf] 170KB add on 07.06.2024

CD14.10 DRAFT Revised S106 Legal Agreement (RAMS Definition).pdf [pdf] 549KB add on 07.06.2024

CD14.11 Revised Building Scale Parameter Plan.pdf [pdf] 620KB add on 07.06.2024

CD14.12 CPBC Land East of Rayleigh Road Closing Submissions.pdf [pdf] 272KB add on 07.06.2024

CD14.13 Appellants (This Land) Closing Submissions.pdf [pdf] 399KB add on 07.06.2024