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Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Appeal by Legal & General Affordable Homes
Site Address: Land rear of 248 Hart Road, Thundersley
Appeal Reference APP/M1520/W/22/3310483
The above appeal will be determined following an Informal Hearing which was held on the 29th March 2023 at: The Council Chamber, Castle Point Borough Council Offices, Kiln Road, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 1TF
The appeal will be heard by P. Thompson DipTRP MAUD MRTPI
The session have been archived at:
Core Document List 22.03.2023 [pdf] 120KB
1.1. Application form [pdf] 1MB
1.2. Submitted Plans
1.2.1. Location plan [pdf] 370KB
1.2.2. Existing site plan (topo) [pdf] 774KB
1.2.3. Constraints and opportunities plan [pdf] 4MB
1.2.4. Preliminary levels [pdf] 843KB
1.2.5. Block plan [pdf] 808KB
1.2.6. Access Strategy plan [pdf] 799KB
1.2.7. Tree Protection plan[pdf] 497KB
1.2.8. Soft landscape plan [pdf] 1MB Hard landscape plan [pdf] 3MB
1.2.9. Dwelling type plan [pdf] 733KB
1.2.10. Drainage Layout [pdf] 879KB
1.2.11. Drainage Layout 2 [pdf] 1023KB
1.2.12. Plots 1, 2, 10, 11, 21, 22, 40, 41 Elevations [pdf] 3MB
1.2.13. Plots 1, 2, 10, 11, 21, 22, 40, 41 Floor plans [pdf] 404KB
1.2.14. Plots 6, 19, 20, 28, 29, 32, 33, 42, 43 Elevations [pdf] 3MB
1.2.15. Plots 6, 19, 20, 28, 29, 32, 33, 42, 43 Floor plans [pdf] 394KB
1.2.16. Plots 7, 9 Elevations [pdf] 2MB
1.2.17. Plots 7, 9 Elevations [pdf] 3MB
1.2.18. Plots 7, 9 Floor plans [pdf] 393KB
1.2.19. Plots 12, 14, 23, 25 Elevations [pdf] 2MB
1.2.20. Plots 12, 14, 23, 25 Floor plans [pdf] 308KB
1.2.21. Plots 12, 14, 23, 25 Elevations [pdf] 2MB
1.2.22. Plots 15, 16, 38, 39 Elevations [pdf] 5MB
1.2.23. Plots 15, 16, 38, 39 Floor plans [pdf] 390KB
1.2.24. Plots 17, 18, 26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35 Elevations [pdf] 3MB
1.2.25. Plots 44-46 Elevations [pdf] 2MB
1.2.26. Plots 36, 37 Elevations [pdf] 6MB
1.2.27. Plots 36, 37 Floor plans [pdf] 377KB
1.2.28. Plots 44 - 46 Floor plan [pdf] 399KB
1.2.29. Plots 44-46 Elevations [pdf] 2MB
1.2.30. Materials and Boundary Treatments [pdf] 831KB
1.2.31. Refuse and cycle storage [pdf] 567KB
1.2.35. CGI VISUALS 1 [pdf] 5MB
1.2.36. CGI VISUALS 2 [pdf] 4MB
1.2.37. CGI VISUALS 3 [pdf] 4MB
1.2.38. STREET SCENE [pdf] 9MB
1.2.40. Revised Layout [pdf] 5MB
1.3.1. Planning Statement [pdf] 1MB
1.3.2. Design and Access Statement [pdf] 6MB
1.3.3. Construction Environment Management Plan [pdf] 1MB
1.3.4. Construction Environment Management Plan [pdf] 2MB
1.3.5. Preliminart Ecological Appraisal [pdf] 5MB Preliminary Ecological Appraisal [pdf] 3MB
1.3.6. Biodiversity Management Plan [pdf] 464KB
1.3.7. Ecological Impact Assessment [pdf] 865KB
1.3.8. Invasive species management plan [pdf] 784KB
1.3.9. Specification for soft landscape works and 10 year management plan [pdf] 219KB
1.3.10. Ecology letter [pdf] 222KB
1.3.11. Desk top Study Part 1 [pdf] 11MB
1.3.12. Desk top Study Part 2 [pdf] 13MB
1.3.13. Desk top Study Part 2 [pdf] 4MB
1.3.14. Stage 2 Geo-environment Report [pdf] 7MB
1.3.15. Flood Risk Assessment [pdf] 9MB
1.3.16. SUDS proforma [pdf] 1MB
1.3.17. Drainage design note
1.3.18. Transport Statement [pdf] 10MB
1.3.19. Road Safety Audit [pdf] 1MB
1.3.20. Noise assessment [pdf] 3MB
1.3.21. Confirmation of applicability of Noise Assessment [pdf] 973KB
1.3.22. Archaeology Report [pdf] 5MB
1.3.23. Statement of Community Involvement [pdf] 2MB
1.3.24. Social value statement
2.1. LLFA 25.01.2021 [pdf] 158KB
2.1.1. LLFA 17.02.2022 [pdf] 168KB
2.1.2. LLFA 28.03.2022 [pdf] 462KB
2.2. Environment Agency [pdf] 1009KB
2.3. Highway Authority [pdf] 124KB
2.4. Essex Infrastructure Officer [pdf] 106KB
2.5. NHS [pdf] 198KB
2.6. Anglian Water [pdf] 139KB
2.7. CPBC Legal Services [pdf] 462KB
2.8. CPBC Waste and Recycling [pdf] 925KB
2.9. CPBC Environmental Health [pdf] 347KB
2.10. Essex Bat Group [pdf] 96KB
1. Appeal form [pdf] 88KB
2. Statements of Case
2.1. Appellants Statement of Case and Appendices (Redacted) [pdf] 25MB
2.1.1. Appellants Statement of Case Appendix 4 [pdf] 3MB
2.1.2. Planning Implications of development at Cedar Hall School, Thundersley for proposed development at Land rear of 248 Hart Road, Thunde [pdf] 386KB
2.1.3. Addendum to LVA and Green Belt Assessment [pdf] 1MB
2.1.4. Schedule of Additional Documents [pdf] 88KB
3. Agreed Statement of Common Ground [pdf] 569KB
4. Schedule of Amended Conditions [pdf] 134KB
5. Draft Planning Obligation [pdf] 7MB
2.2. Planning Authority Statement of Case [pdf] 343KB
2.2.1. LPA of Case Appendices [pdf] 5MB
3. Agreed Statement of Common Ground
4. Schedule of conditions
5. Planning Obligations
6. CIL Compliance Statement [pdf] 136KB
7. Pre-Hearing Note [pdf] 196KB
1. Adopted Local Plan
Appendices [pdf] 439KB
Chapter 2 The Green Belt [pdf] 123KB
Chapter 3 Environment and Conservation [pdf] 172KB
Chapter 4 Housing-and-Population [pdf] 127KB
Chapter 5 Economic Development [pdf] 117KB
Chapter 6 Shopping [pdf] 138KB
Chapter 7 Transport [pdf] 127KB
Chapter 8 Recreation [pdf] 136KB
Proposals-Map-and-Key [pdf] 4MB
Proposals-Map-Town-Centre-Inserts [pdf] 12MB
1.1. Saving Direction [pdf] 2MB
1.2. NPPF Conformity Check [pdf] 62KB
2. Castle Point Developer Contributions SPD [pdf] 2MB
2.1. Adoption Statement for the Residential Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (November 2012) [pdf] 24KB
3. Residential Design Guidance SPD (Castle Point Borough Council 2008) [pdf] 7MB
4. Parking Standards Design and Good Practice (Essex County Council and EPOA 2009) [pdf] 5MB
1. Castle Point Annual Monitoring report 01.04.2021 - 31.03.2022 [pdf] 1MB
1. Addendum to the South Essex Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) (2017) [pdf] 2MB
2. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2018 Update Volume 3 Mapping Report [pdf] 23MB
3. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Review 2018 Volume 2 Site Schedules [pdf] 2MB
4. Green Belt Review Part 1 (2018) [pdf] 7MB
5. Green Belt Review Part 2 (2019) [pdf] 3MB
1. Post Hearings Letter (dated 06.09.2021) [pdf] 200KB
2. Inspectors Report (dated 03.03.2022) [pdf] 379KB
3. Main Modifications to Local Plan [pdf] 1MB
4. Minute of decision to withdraw New Local Plan (15 June 2022) [pdf] 84KB
1. Local Development Scheme (November 2022) [pdf] 213KB
2. Labour Market Profile - Nomis - Official Census and Labour Market Statistics [pdf] 905KB
3. CPBC CIL Examination Document CPBC05B - Appendix 4 Schedule of Infrastructure Requirements [pdf] 482KB
4. Report on the Examination of the Castle Point Borough Council Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule [pdf] 276KB
5. Noise Technical Note [pdf] 383KB
1. Essex Coast RAM Strategy [pdf] 7MB
2. Essex Coast RAMS SPD (May 2020) [pdf] 1MB
3. Essex Coast RAMS Adoption Statement (December 2020) [pdf] 151KB
4. Standard data form Southend and Benfleet SPA [pdf] 312KB
5. Standard Data form Blackwater Estuary [pdf] 321KB
1. CC-CPT-52-22 Application Form [pdf] 825KB
2. CC-CPT-52-22 Applicant Planning Statement [pdf] 3MB
3. CC-CPT-52-22 Proposed Elevations [pdf] 2MB
4. CC-CPT-52-22 Proposed Site Plan [pdf] 1MB
5. CC-CPT-52-22 CPBC Planning Consultation Response [pdf] 94KB
6. CC-CPT-52-22 CPBC Environmental Health Consultation Response [pdf] 135KB
7. Officer Report (ECC) [pdf] 671KB
8. CC-CPT-52-22 Decision Notice [pdf] 52KB
9. Appeal Decision - Rhoda Road Thundersley Castle Point [pdf] 159KB
9.1. Rhoda Road Site location plan [pdf] 68KB
9.2. Rhoda Road Site layout plan [pdf] 415KB
10. Appeal Decision - Burley-in-Wharfdale [pdf] 2MB
10.1. Burley-in-Wharfdale Site location plan [pdf] 580KB
10.2. Burley-in-Wharfdale Site paramters plan [pdf] 315KB
11. Appeal Decision - Kennel Lane Billericay Basildon [pdf] 311KB
11.1. Kennel Lane, Billericay Location Plan [pdf] 184KB
11.2. Kennel Lane, Billericay Illustrative site layout plan [pdf] 881KB
12. Appeal Decision - Kennel Lane Billericay Basildon
12.1. Little Chalfont site location plan [pdf] 250KB
12.2. Little Chalfont indicative parameters plan [pdf] 269KB
13. 301 Rayleigh Road Appeal Decision [pdf] 152KB
13.1. 301 Rayleigh Road location plan [pdf] 754KB
13.2. 301 Rayleigh Road layout plan [pdf] 553KB