The Castle Point Plan

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Manor Trading Estate Appeal

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Appeal by G&K Groundworks; ACT Roadways Ltd

Site Address: Land East of Manor Trading Estate, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 4PS

Appeal Reference APP/M1520/W/22/3310794

Programme schedule 23.02.23 [pdf] 72KB
Core Document List 27.02.2023 [pdf] 105KB

The session have been archived at:

List of core documents

A. Submitted application 

1. Relevant Submissions

1.1. 21/0532/OUT Revised Application Form 28.04.2022 [pdf] 254KB
1.2.1. 21/0532/OUT Location Plan Drawing No. 16 3839DP M006 [pdf] 1015KB
1.2.2. 21/0532/OUT Site Plan Drawing No. 16.3739DP E102 [pdf] 322KB
1.2.3. 21/0532/OUT Revised Location Plan Drawing No. 16 3839DP M005D [pdf] 434KB
1.2.4. 21/0532/OUT Development Master Plan 25.11.2022 16 3839 P205B [pdf] 2MB
1.2.5. 21/0532/OUT Revised Measurement Plan Drawing No NC18 442 P204 b [pdf] 306KB
1.2.6. 21/0532/OUT Integrated Acoustics IAL Noise Constraint Study July 2020 [pdf] 2MB
1.2.7. 21/0532/OUT HA Acoustics Facade Noise Exposure Assessment HA AD961 V1 [pdf] 15MB
1.2.8. 21/0532/OUT HA Acoustics Facade Noise Exposure Assessment HA AD961 V2 [pdf] 11MB
1.2.9. 21/0532/OUT Schedule of Commercial Building Floor Area and Parking Provision Drawing No 16 3839 DP M007 A [pdf] 494KB
1.2.10. Transport Assessment April 2021 [pdf] 9MB

2. Statutory Consultee responses

2.1. 21/0532/OUT Jacobs Noise Constraints Study [pdf] 213KB
2.2. 21/0532/OUT Minerals and Waste Planning 29.06.2021 [pdf] 435KB
2.3. 21/0532/OUT Minerals and Waste Planning 03.09.2021 [pdf] 415KB
2.4. 21/0532/OUT Minerals and Waste Planning 21 12.2021 [pdf] 350KB
2.5. 21/0532/OUT Mineral and Waste Planning 26.04.2022 [pdf] 360KB
2.6. 21/0532/OUT Essex Fire and Rescue [pdf] 182KB
2.7. 21/0532/OUT Essex Fire and Rescue [pdf] 200KB
2.8. 21/1532/OUT CPBC Legal [pdf] 407KB
2.9. 21/0532/OUT Anglian Water [pdf] 4MB
2.10. 21/0532/OUT CPBC Environmental Health [pdf] 852KB
2.11. 21/0532 /OUT CPBC Environmental Health Additional comment [pdf] 935KB
2.12. 21/0532/OUT CPBC Waste and Recycling [pdf] 931KB
2.13. 21/0532/OUT Environment Agency [pdf] 1MB
2.14. 21/0532/OUT SuDS 24.06.2021 [pdf] 142KB
2.15. 21/0532/OUT SuDS 03.09.2021 [pdf] 156KB
2.16. 21/0532/OUT SuDS 09.02.2022 [pdf] 157KB
2.17. 21/0532/OUT SuDS 23.03.2022 [pdf] 165KB
2.18. 21/0532/OUT Natural England [pdf] 154KB
2.19. 21/0532/OUT Essex Highways [pdf] 385KB
2.20. 21/0532/OUT Infrastructure Officer [pdf] 104KB
2.21. 21/0532/OUT NHS [pdf] 286KB

3. Officers Report

Officer Report [pdf] 459KB

4. Decision Notice

Decision Notice [pdf] 145KB


B. Planning Appeal

1. Appeal Form [pdf] 83KB
2. Planning Authority Statement of Case including suggested conditions [pdf] 755KB
2.1. Appellants Statement of Case [pdf] 299KB
2.2. Planning Authority Statement of Case including suggested conditions [pdf] 755KB
3. Statement of Common Ground
4. Schedule of conditions
5. S106 Planning Agreement (Redacted) [pdf] 171KB
5.1 Agreement Plan [pdf] 436KB
6. CIL Compliance Statement [pdf] 132KB
7. Proofs of Evidence
7.1.1. Appellant Proof - Russell Forde v2.0 [pdf] 2MB
7.1.2. Appellant Planning Proof Appendices Redacted [pdf] 11MB
7.1.3. Appellant Noise AD961-2023 Proof [pdf] 2MB
7.1.4. Appellant Noise ( AD961-2023) Appendices [pdf] 3MB
7.1.5. Appellant Highways Proof Text 31.01.23 Issued Final [pdf] 1MB
7.1.6. Appellant Highways Proof Appendices 31.01.23 Issued Final - Reduced size [pdf] 8MB
7.1.7. Access Plan 22.02.23 [pdf] 239KB
7.1.8. Proof of Evidence Josie Nixon [pdf] 2MB
7.1.9. Acoustic Appendices. Josie Nixon [pdf] 3MB
7.1.10. 23-02-13 Noise Rebuttal by Josie Nixon [pdf] 627KB
7.1.11. 23-02-13 Noise Rebuttal by Josie Nixon Appendices [pdf] 308KB
7.2.1. Local Authority Proof A Hutchinson (Planning) [pdf] 509KB
7.2.2. Local Authority Proof Appendices of A Hutchinson [pdf] 2MB
7.2.3. Local Authority Proof E Davis (Noise) [pdf] 556KB


C. NPPF, National  Guidance and Standards

1. NPPF 2021 [pdf] 552KB
2.National Planning Policy for Waste (October 2014) [pdf] 168KB
5/6. Noise Policy Statement for England 2010 and Explanatory Note [pdf] 459KB
7. Planning Practice Guidance Noise 2014 [pdf] 192KB  
7.1. Noise Hierarchy Table [pdf] 135KB
8. BS 8233:2014 Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings (BSI) [pdf] 425KB
9. BS 4142:2014+A2019 Methods for rating and assessing Industrial and Commercial sound [pdf] 2MB
10. Planning and Noise, Professional Practice Guidance on Planning and Noise for New Residential Development, 2017 [pdf] 2MB  
10.1. Pro PG Planning and Noise Supplementary Document 2. Good Acoustic Design May 2017 [pdf] 535KB
12. BS7445-1:2003 ‘Description and measurement of environmental noise. Guide to quantities and procedures’ [pdf] 205KB
13. BS5228-1: 2009 +A1:2014 ‘Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites - Noise [pdf] 635KB
14. Traffic Signs Manual 2019 - Chapter 6 Traffic Control [pdf] 4MB


D. Local Planning policy and guidance

1. Adopted Local Plan
Chapter 1 Introduction [pdf] 104KB
Chapter 2 The Green Belt [pdf] 123KB
Chapter 9 Community Facilities [pdf] 132KB
Chapter 3 Environment and Conservation [pdf] 172KB
Chapter 4 Housing and Population [pdf] 127KB
Chapter 5 Economic Development [pdf] 117KB
Chapter 6 Shoppingf [pdf] 138KB
Chapter 7 Transport [pdf] 127KB
Chapter 8 Recreation [pdf] 136KB
Appendices [pdf] 439KB
Appendix-19 [pdf] 1MB
Proposals Map and Key [pdf] 18MB
Proposals Map Town Centre Inserts [pdf] 16MB
1.1. Saving Direction [pdf] 2MB
1.2. NPPF Conformity Check [pdf] 62KB
2. Essex and Southend Waste Local Plan (2017) [pdf] 12MB
3. Castle Point Developer Contributions SPD [pdf] 2MB
4. Residential Design Guidance SPD (Castle Point Borough Council 2008) [pdf] 7MB
4.1. Adoption Statement for the Residential Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (November 2012) [pdf] 24KB
5. Parking Standards : Design and Good Practice. (Essex County Council and EPOA 2009) [pdf] 5MB
6. Development management policies highways transportation [pdf] 4MB


E. Housing land supply

1. Castle Point Annual Monitoring report 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 [pdf] 1MB


F. Evidence base 

1. Addendum to the South Essex Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) (2017) [pdf] 2MB
2. Housing Options Topic paper (November 2018) [pdf] 539KB
3. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2018 update volume 3 mapping report [pdf] 23MB
4. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Review 2018 Volume 2 Site Schedules [pdf] 2MB
5. Castle Point Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment [pdf] 414KB - Development Viability Appraisals Report September 2018
6. South Essex Economic Development Needs Assessment (November 2017) [pdf] 3MB
7. Castle Point Green Belt review part 1 (2018) [pdf] 7MB
8. Green Belt review part 2 (2018) [pdf] 3MB
9. Green Belt part 2 addendum (2021) [pdf] 2MB
10. Green Belt Topic Paper 2018 [pdf] 1MB
11. Employment and Retail Needs Assessment 2012 [pdf] 4MB
12. SE Strategic Housing Market Assessment South Essex 2016 [pdf] 7MB
13. Employment Study Final Report 2006 [pdf] 2MB
13.1. Employment Study Executive Summary 2006 [pdf] 124KB
14. SHLAA-Update-Report-2018- Volume-1 [pdf] 225KB


G. Withdrawn Local Plan

1. Post Hearing letter dated 06.09.2021 [pdf] 200KB
2. Inspectors-Report dated 03.03.2022 [pdf] 379KB
3. Inspector's Matters issues and Options (MIQs) Matter 3 Green Belt (8 April 2021) [pdf] 529KB
3(i). Matter 3 The Green Belt [pdf] 471KB
3(ii). Matter 3 Green Belt Questions 24c-46 [pdf] 529KB
3(iii) Economic Strategy and policies (8 April 2021) Questions 244 - 263 [pdf] 898KB
4. Extract from Main Modifications to Local Plan [pdf] 95KB
5. Minute of decision to withdraw New Local Plan (15 June 2022) [pdf] 84KB
6. Local Plan Viability Assessment [pdf] 3MB
9. Special Council Meeting New Local Plan 28.11.2018 [pdf] 504KB
10. Extract from SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES 28TH NOVEMBER 2018 [pdf] 142KB
11. Pre-submission Plan 2018-2033 December 2019 With Modifications proposed as at October 2020 Policy Map [pdf] 12MB
Pre-submission Plan 2018-2033 December 2019 With Modifications proposed as at October 2020 [pdf] 2MB


H. Relevant Decisions and Legal Judgements

1. Application CPT/16/02/FUL
1.1. CPT 16/02/FUL Submitted Plan [pdf] 8MB
1.2. CPT 16/02/FUL Decision Notice [pdf] 157KB  

2. Application CPT/366/06/OUT
2.1. Submitted application form and plans [pdf] 2MB
2.2. Officer Report [pdf] 402KB
2.3. Decision Notice [pdf] 167KB
2.4. Associated Appeal decision APP/M1520/A/07/2034627 [pdf] 545KB

3. Application 18/0834/FUL, Benfleet Scrap Ltd,
3.1. Submitted application plans [pdf] 77KB
3.2. Officer report [pdf] 73KB
3.3. Decision Notice [pdf] 135KB
3.4. Judicial Review Judgement [pdf] 136KB
3.5. Court of Appeal Judgement [pdf] 190KB

4. Application 20/0159/FUL – Road Improvement Scheme, MTE
4.1. Submitted application, Plans and supporting documents.
20/0159/FUL Submitted Application Form [pdf] 241KB
20/0159/FUL Location Plan [pdf] 1005KB
20/0159/FUL Larger scale location plan [pdf] 380KB
20/0159/FUL Estates Roads Improvement Plan [pdf] 4MB
20/0159/FUL Aerial Plan [pdf] 2MB
20/0159/FUL Agent Covering Letter [pdf] 705KB
20/0159/FUL Schedule of Works [pdf] 159KB
20/0159/FUL Photographs [pdf] 4MB
4.2. Officer report [pdf] 110KB
4.3. Decision notice [pdf] 135KB
5. Appeal Ref: APP/C1570/W/21/3274573 - Land north of Bedwell Road, Elsenham, Essex [pdf] 418KB
6. Essex County Council Decision on Certificate of Lawfulness Application ESS/48/22/CPT [pdf] 754KB
6.1. Delegated report ESS-48-22-CPT [pdf] 588KB
7. Appeal Decision APP V1505 W 22 3298599 Land north of Kennel Lane, Billericay, Essex [pdf] 294KB
8. Submitted Plan 368 94 [pdf] 11MB
8.1. Decision Notice 368 94 [pdf] 1MB
9. Decision Notice 61 95 [pdf] 521KB
9.1. Submitted Plan 61 95 [pdf] 859KB


I. Miscellaneous

1. Local Development Scheme (November 2022) [pdf] 213KB
2. Control of Pollution Act 1974 Waste Disposal Licence 16 Brunel Road (Benfleet Scrap). Licence Reference No. 398/98 [pdf] 564KB
3. Environmental Protection Act 1990. Waste management licence Reference EAWML 71298 [pdf] 1MB
4. Application Variation V002 Issued 19 07 2017 [pdf] 27KB
5. 98-03-01 Working Plan for Waste Disposal Licence March 1998 [pdf] 89KB
6. Letter from Secretary of State 23 March 2018 threatening to intervene in plan making [pdf] 117KB
7. Tree Preservation Orders
7.1. Tree Preservation Order 10 2018 [pdf] 2MB
7.2. Tree Preservation Order 12 2018 [pdf] 2MB
7.3. Tree Preservation Order 13 2018 [pdf] 2MB
8. Benfleet scrap licence SMD10016 [pdf] 121KB
9. Compliance inspection CAR 71088 0308611 [pdf] 962KB
10. Compliance Inspection CAR Form 71088 0396219 [pdf] 1007KB
11. Compliance Inspection CAR Form 71088 042856 [pdf] 743KB
12. Compliance Assessment Report ID 71088 0342248 [pdf] 277KB


J. Earlier Draft Local Plans

1. Draft Local Plan 2014 - Economic Strategy E3 [pdf] 276KB
2. 2014 Draft New Local Plan Proposals Map Extract [pdf] 169KB
3. Draft Local Plan 2016 - Economic Strategy E3 [pdf] 277KB
4. 2016 Draft New Local Plan Proposals Map Extract [pdf] 170KB
5. Pre-Publication LOCAL PLAN 2018 - Face sheet and Contents [pdf] 158KB
6. Pre-Publication LOCAL PLAN 2018 - Economic Strategy [pdf] 181KB
7. Pre-Publication LOCAL PLAN 2018 - Policy HO21 MTE [pdf] 141KB
8. Draft Local Plan 2018 Proposals Map [pdf] 131KB
9. Draft Housing Sites Housing SItes Options Topic Paper 2018 [pdf] 538KB
10. Pre-Submission LOCAL PLAN DECEMBER 2019 - face sheet and contents  [pdf] 430KB
11. Pre-Submission LOCAL PLAN DECEMBER 2019 - Economic Strategy [pdf] 140KB
12. Pre-Submission Local Plan 2019 Proposals Map [pdf] 178KB


K. Restocking Notice

1. Restocking Notice Map - 1st Draft - Keswick Road 22.10.2018 [pdf] 214KB
2. REDACTED ANONYMISED Annex 3 - Record of Meeting With Objector [pdf] 216KB
3. REDACTED Annex 4 - Reference Committee Report [pdf] 127KB
4. REDACTED - Minister Decision - Restocking Notice. Manor Trading Estate 21.10.2022 [pdf] 1004KB
5. REDACTED - Notification to Objector Representation - Minister Decision - RN24.18-19 Manor Trading Estate 25.10.2022 [pdf] 746KB
6. REDACTED Response to objection to Restocking Notice 25.10.2022 [pdf] 68KB
7. Restocking Notice - REDACTED Land on the north side of Church Road, Benfleet 13.02.2023 [pdf] 59KB
8. Restocking Noice Map - Signed - Land on the north side of Church Road, Benfleet 13.02.2023 [pdf] 316KB
9. Restocking Notice Covering Letter - Redacted - Land on the north side of Church Road, Benfleet 13.02.2023 [pdf] 111KB
10. Restocking Plan CPBC prepared Overlay (Forestry Commission Base) [pdf] 5MB
11. Appellants Restocking Notice Areas Plan 16.3839-M011 [pdf] 659KB
12. Appellants Adjusted Restocking Notice Area Plan 16.3839-M013 [pdf] 671KB
13. Appellants Reposition of Contaminated Patch 16.3839-M012 [pdf] 674KB
14. Appellants Open Areas Plan 16.3839-M010A [pdf] 641KB
15. Appellants 23-02-24 GPS to FC RN10- 22-23 Restocking Offer [pdf] 2MB
16. Castle Point position on restocking notice [pdf] 248KB