Nationally Listed Buildings

Buildings and items of street furniture that hold national historical or architectural significance are recognised as heritage assets and are granted Listed Building status under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. This designation is a formal, statutory classification aimed at preserving the nation's cultural heritage by ensuring that structures and objects of importance are protected from unsympathetic alterations, neglect, or demolition. 

Once a building or item is listed, it is subject to stringent regulations within the planning system, meaning any modifications or changes to its structure, appearance, or setting must be reviewed to ensure the maintenance of its historical or architectural integrity. This legal protection ensures that these valuable assets are preserved for future generations, contributing to the cultural and historical fabric of the country.

As such, development affecting a listed building, or its setting is likely to require Listed Building Consent as well as any planning consent it may also require. To find out more about the requirement for Listed Building Consent, and to make an application, visit the Planning Portal.

There are currently thirty-six listed buildings within the borough, the asset number and grading of which can be found in the table below. The asset number can be used to find more information on these buildings by searching it on the official national heritage list on the Historic England website.


Nationally Listed Buildings in Castle Point
Asset No. Listed Building Grade
1123663 Thundersley Lodge II
1123684 Dutch Cottage II
1123685 The Lobster Smack Public House II
1123686 1 and 1A, Haven Road II
1123687 Hadleigh Castle I
1123688 The Round House II
1123689 The Anchor Inn and Building Attached to Right II*
1123690 Church of St Mary the Virgin I
1123691 The Half Crown Inn II
1123692 The Hoy and Helmet Inn II
1123693 Street Lamp Outside 7 The Close II
1123694 Thundersley Hall II
1123695 Tylerset Farmhouse II
1170017 Former Pumping Station II
1170051 Group of 4 Headstones Between 18 and 22 Metres South East of South Porch of Church of St Mary the Virgin II
1170069 Benfleet Conservative Club II
1170125 Church of St Peter II*
1170144 96 and 98, Daws Heath Road II
1170164 Jarvis Hall II
1170105 Great Burches Farmhouse II
1247994 Old Vicarage II
1248002 Street Lamp to West of Number 23 High Street II
1263835 Junction of London Road and Meadow Road Milestone II
1268484 Labworth Cafe II
1306176 Cartlodge Immediately North East of Barn at Jarvis Hall II
1306209 5 and 7, The Close II
1337680 Barn Immediately to North of Jarvis Hall II
1337690 Dutch Cottage II
1337691 Shipwrights II*
1337692 Church of St James the Less I
1337693 Benfleet Water Tower II
1337694 Table Tomb Approximately 14 Metres South of South Porch of Church of St Mary the Virgin II
1337719 8 and 10, Hart Road II
1392466 South Benfleet War Memorial II
1470092 Hadleigh War Memorial II
1472162 Tombstone of Sir Charles Nicholson and Family II


Geocoded Data

Listed Building Data.csv [csv] 37KB


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