Castle Point Borough Council Announces Community Commitments | Castle Point News

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Castle Point Borough Council Announces Community Commitments

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Castle Point Borough Council has launched eight Community Commitments as part of the Castle Point Challenge.

The Castle Point Challenge sets out the Council’s ambitious plans for the development of the borough and how it intends to deliver them.  The Community Commitments focus on key priorities.

Included is a commitment to protect the environment by caring for the most valuable landscapes, open spaces and heritage in the borough.

There is a pledge to maximise investment by developing partnerships and improving success in securing grant funding and other investment.

There is also a promise to consult with residents over proposed service changes and to take residents’ views into account.

Cllr Dave Blackwell, Leader of Castle Point Borough Council said: “We’re ambitious for the people and places of Castle Point and the Castle Point Challenge sets our priorities for the coming years and how we’re going to deliver them.  

“We can’t do this alone, and these priorities will be delivered working in partnership with residents, businesses and partners from across the public, private and voluntary sectors.” 

Cllr Warren Gibson, Deputy Leader of Castle Point Borough Council said: “We’re committed to asking our residents about the issues that matter most to them and, where residents say we can do better, we promise to listen and consider how.”

The eight Community Commitments are:

  • Put people at the front of all decisions
  • Be transparent in our decision making
  • Promote pride of place in Castle Point
  • Protect your environment
  • Better plan the infrastructure
  • Consult with you when we are considering service changes
  • Maximise investment
  • Carry out a resident survey


Castle Point Challenge Document).pdf 6MB

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