Expression of Interest - South Benfleet Pavilion, 84 Brook Rd, SS7 5JF

The Council is exploring how it can rejuvenate the South Benfleet Playing Fields, with an emphasis on providing a Community Hub. We are therefore offering the Pavilion to any organisation that can promote the facility and surrounding park area for Community use. Our vision is that the facility should have public toilets including a Changing Places Toilet, and should also support the current users and occupiers of the facility.
Benfleet Playing Fields Pavilion & Mess Room [pdf] 247KB
Benfleet Pavilion, Brooks Road SS7 5JF - JAN 2025 REVA [pdf] 134KB
Expression of Interest
The Council Invites Expression of Interest from interested organisations to take a lease of part of the South Benfleet Pavilion, 84 Brook Road, SS7 5JF - shown edged red on the plan.
Closing Date for Offers : 7 March 2025
Offers are invited on the basis of agreeing a commercial leasehold interest.
Prospective applicants are asked to make competitive bid for the above property and in accordance with the requirements as set out below
Any enquiries please contact