If you are a British citizen living overseas, you can register as an overseas voter.
This allows you to vote in general elections and referendums in the constituency you last lived in. You cannot vote in local elections.
You can register online at Register to Vote | GOV.UK.
While postal voting is available, due to the tight timetable, UK voters living overseas should consider setting up a proxy vote to have someone they trust vote on their behalf.
Information on applying for a postal or proxy vote can be found on our Voting by Post or Proxy page.
From the 16th January 2024 any British Citizen living overseas who previously lived in the UK can register as an overseas elector regardless of when they left the UK.
The registration period for overseas voters will be extended from one year to three years, and voters will be able to refresh their absent vote at the same time.
Once registered as an overseas elector, you may either vote yourself by post or appoint a person to vote on your behalf (vote by proxy). If your appointed proxy is unable to attend the polling station, they can apply to cast your vote by post.
If you have appointed a proxy to vote on your behalf, but happen to be in the country and able to attend your polling station in person yourself, you can do so as long as your appointed proxy has not already applied for a postal vote or attended the polling station.
For more information on overseas voting, please visit Voting if you move or live abroad - GOV.UK