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At its meeting of 14 November 2012, the Council's Cabinet agreed to the adoption of the new Residential Design Guidance (November 2012) as a Supplementary Planning Document.
The adoption is effective from the 1 January 2013, and from this date the Residential Design Guidance replaces Appendix 12 of the Castle Point Borough Council Adopted Local Plan 1998.
The Residential Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document is to be considered when making decisions on planning applications for all forms of residential development.
The Council undertook a review of residential design guidance for Castle Point set out in appendix 12 of the Adopted Local Plan 1998, and consulted on draft new Residential Design Guidance between 22 June 2012 and the 31 August 2012.
Residential Design Guidance for Castle Point was previously set out in Appendix 12 of the Adopted Local Plan.pdf [pdf] 315KB
As a result of an appeal into housing proposals for Land North off Kiln Road, issues arose with regard to the suitability of some of the standards set out in Appendix 12.
The Council therefore undertook a review of these existing policies, having regard to the most up to date national guidance and best practice on design matters. The result of this work is the new Residential Design Guidance set out above.