Emergencies can happen anywhere at any time and when they do occur they can be very scary experiences, so it is important that you remain calm and don’t take unnecessary risks.
If you have made a home emergency plan this is the time to use it.
If there is an emergency incident, the emergency services will normally request residents in the vicinity of the incident undertake one of the following actions:
The preferred option and involves residents being asked to stay in their homes, close all doors and windows, tune into local media sources and await further instructions, or the all clear from the emergency services.
The decision to evacuate and manage the evacuation process is normally the responsibility of the Fire & Rescue Service in liaison with the Police and is only undertaken when the risk to life is considered high.
The Council will support the evacuation by providing Rest to accommodate evacuated residents and provide them with shelter, food, water and amenities.
If evacuation instructions are issued by the emergency services, please respond to their instructions by doing the following:
Once the incident is over the emergency services will advise when it is safe to return to your home.