
  • 1 signed and dated copy of the fully completed planning application form
    • Plans should be no larger than A1 (unless absolutely necessary).
    • Incomplete applications will be invalid
  • 1 copy of the location plan (Ordnance Survey based) - scale not less than 1:1250 or 1:2500
    • The location plan must:
      • Show at least 2 main roads and surrounding buildings
      • The direction of North
      • A red line must clearly edge the application site
      • A blue line must be drawn around any other land owned by the occupant
  • 1 block / site plan – scale not more than 1:500
  • 1 existing and proposed elevations and floor plans- scale not less than 1:100
  • The correct fee (paid online via the Planning Portal or by phone 01268 882200)

Applications for telecommunications development (including for prior approval under Part 24 of the General Permitted Development Order) should be supported by the necessary evidence to justify the proposed development. This should include:

  • the outcome of consultations with organisations with an interest in the proposed development, in particular with the relevant body where a mast is to be installed near a school or college or within a statutory safeguarding zone surrounding an aerodrome or technical site; and
  • for an addition to an existing mast or base station, a statement that self-certifies that the cumulative exposure, when operational, will not exceed International Commission on non-ionising radiation protection guidelines; or
  • for a new mast or base station, evidence that the applicant has explored the possibility of erecting antennas on an existing building, mast or other structure and a statement that self-certifies that, when operational, International Commission guidelines will be met.