The Castle Point Plan

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Service Update

Services are running normally

The Development Management Committee

The Council's Constitution requires the following types of applications to be referred to the Development Management Committee for a determination:

  • Applications where the officer recommendation would be contrary to Council policy or which raise significant policy issues for the Council.
  • Applications which are related to possible legal proceedings by the authority e.g. prosecution or enforcement action.
  • Applications where a Section 106 obligation would be involved or where there are justifiable planning reasons for seeking contributions from developers.
  • Applications relating to Council-owned land or applications by the Council on private land.
  • Applications where the Council is aware that a Member or officer or a close relative of  either has made the application.
  • Where a Member requests an item be brought to Committee using the "call in" procedure as outlined in the Council's Constitution.

View agendas for Development Management Committee meetings.  Available online five working days prior to the date of the meeting.

View webcast of Development Management Committee meetings. Available online for one year from the date of the meeting.

Members of the public are also welcome to attend meetings of the Development Management Committee. It should however be noted that there is a restriction on the number of people that can safely be accommodated in the Council's chamber, and admission may be restricted on occasions.