The Development Management Committee (DMC) carries out a regulatory function on behalf of the Council when making planning development decisions. The Committee has to operate within certain rules and procedures to ensure that development proposals are properly, fairly and efficiently considered in a transparent and open manner.
The Council’s Constitution and the Development Management Committee Handbook 2025 set out the roles and function of the Development Management Committee.
The Development Management Committee Handbook 2025 has been produced to provide information on the workings of the Development Management Committee so that Members and Officers of the Committee and those wishing to follow the workings of the Committee, or participate in the planning process, will know what to expect.
The Council’s Constitution (Chapter 4 Appendix D) requires certain types of applications to be referred to the Development Management Committee for determination:
The Constitution also sets out that Councillors can ‘call-in’ certain applications, for consideration of the Development Management Committee, provided they have been ‘called in’ by the end of the consultation period and are accompanied by planning reasons why the application should be referred to the Development Management Committee. Applications the ‘call in’ process can apply to include:
Development Management Committee Agendas are available to view on the Council’s website
Members of the public are also welcome to attend meetings of the Development Management Committee. It should however be noted that there is a restriction on the number of people that can safely be accommodated in the Council's chamber, and admission may be restricted on occasions.
The Development Management Committee meetings are also livestreamed and available to watch on Youtube.