Changes to workplace recycling

From 31 March 2025 (or 31 March 2027 for micro-firms), all workplaces will have a legal duty to separate dry recycling, food waste and black bin waste for their collections.

Any business or workplace premises that generates waste that is similar in nature and composition to household waste must follow these rules across their operations.

See the full Government guidance here.

Trade/Business Waste

Any waste that comes from a commercial activity is defined as Trade Waste, however small the amount.

If you use part of your home to run your business, then any waste from that part is business waste.


Your responsibilities

You must sort and store waste safely and securely (especially important if dealing with hazardous waste) and make an effort to keep waste to a minimum by Preventing, Reusing, Recycling or Recovering.

When disposing of waste, you must:

  • complete a waste transfer note for each load of waste that leaves your premises
  • check if your waste carrier is registered to dispose of waste
  • make every effort to ensure your waste carrier is disposing of your waste at a licensed waste disposal site


Your trade waste cannot:

  • contain any waste upholstered domestic seating containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) — see the bottom of this page for more details.
  • be taken to any Recycling Centre for Household Waste
  • be presented for collection with household waste
  • be placed in a shared bin unless a Waste Transfer Notice is provided to each business using the bin
  • removed by an unlicensed waste firm


Trade Waste Law

All businesses, whatever size, must be able to produce a Waste Transfer Notice (WTN) to prove where all of their waste is being disposed

If a business cannot provide a WTN for all waste, it can face a fine of up to £5000 or an unlimited fine on conviction on indictment


Waste Transfer Notices

Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 requires every business to keep a written record of waste transferred from their business, these records are known as Waste Transfer Notices.

A Waste Transfer Notice must contain the following information:

  • The quantity of waste and whether on transfer it is loose or in a container
  • If in a container, the kind of container
  • Time, date and place of transfer
  • Name and address of transferor and the transferee
  • Whether or not the transferor is the producer or importer of the waste
  • The transfer is to a person authorised to transport the waste in question

See more on the Waste Duty of Care Code of Practice


Our Trade Waste Service

We offer a Trade Waste collection service and can deal with a range of amounts of waste produced, with collections from multiple times a week to fortnightly.

Please note, we do not currently offer any recycling or food waste collections for Trade Waste.

Get a quote by calling us on 01268 882200 or by emailing

Trade sack Sacks Ideal for business that do not produce much waste or are limited on space
Trade 240 bin 240 litre bin H: 1070mm D: 740mm W: 570mm
Trade Bin 500 litre bin H: 1095mm D: 720mm W: 1250mm
Trade Bin 770 litre bin H: 1325mm D: 720mm W: 1250mm
Trade Bin 1100 litre bin H: 1370mm D: 985mm W: 1260mm

Need help calculating your requirements? Contact us!

Trade Waste Agreement T&Cs [pdf] 176KB

More information

Single-Use Plastics Ban at business premises

Since 2023, businesses can no longer supply, sell or offer certain single-use plastics items in England.  Banned items include all single-use plastic cutlery, plates, bowls, trays, containers, balloon sticks and polystyrene food and drink containers. Some exception applies. Find out more by visiting Single-use plastics ban: plates, bowls, trays, containers, cutlery and balloon sticks - GOV.UK (


Information for businesses regarding waste upholstered domestic seating containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

  • The Material collected through the trade waste service must not contain Upholstered Domestic Seating containing POPs. The council reserves the right to refuse collection of the bins if they are contaminated with this type of waste.
  • Please make arrangements to separate this waste from your general waste in your trade bin and dispose of them appropriately (incineration). Guidance is available from the government website: Manage waste upholstered domestic seating containing POPs - GOV.UK (
  • From 1st of January 2023, this waste cannot be disposed of in a landfill, and it is required to be incinerated. POPs remain intact in the environment for long periods and if not disposed of properly become widely distributed geographically. They accumulate in the fatty tissue of humans and wildlife and have harmful impacts on human health and on the environment. The Law requires that POPS are destroyed. This means waste containing POPs must be incinerated and must not be re-used, recycled or landfilled.
  • The guidance specifies this type of waste as any upholstered seating or any item of soft furnished seating from any household or businesses that include any part made of or containing leather, synthetic leather, soft furnishing, fabric or foam. For example • sofas • sofa beds • armchairs • kitchen and dining room chairs • stools and foot stools • home office chairs • futons • bean bags, floor and sofa cushions.
  • Mattresses, curtains, blinds and beds are not domestic seating and are not covered by government guidance. Please note following items are unlikely to contain POPs  • items that are not upholstered, for example, a wooden chair without a cushioned or textile back, seat, or arms • deckchairs • wastes from manufacturing new domestic seating that the manufacturer can demonstrate do not contain POPs