Action taken if a member fails to comply

What action might the Joint Standards Committee take where a Member has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct? 

The Standards Committee has the power to take action in respect of individual Members as may be necessary to promote and maintain high standards of conduct.   Accordingly the Joint Standards Committee may:- 

  1. Publish its findings in respect of the Member’s conduct; 
  2. Report its findings to Council (or to the Town Council) for information; 
  3. Recommend to the Member’s Group Leader (or in the case of ungrouped Members, recommend to Council or to Committee) that he/she be removed from any or all Committees or Sub-Committees of the Council; 
  4. If the Member is a Cabinet Member, recommend to the Leader of the Council that he/she be removed from the Cabinet or removed from particular Portfolio responsibilities;
  5. Recommend to Council that the Member be removed from any chairmanship; 
  6. Instruct the Monitoring Officer to (or recommend that the Town Council) arrange training for the Member; 
  7. Recommend to relevant Group Leader that the Member be removed (or recommend to the Town Council that the Member be removed) from all outside appointments to which he/she has been appointed or nominated by the authority (or by the Town  Council); 
  8. Recommend to relevant Group Leader the withdrawal of (or recommend to the Town Council that it withdraws) facilities provided to the Member by the Council, such as a computer, mobile device, website and/or email and internet access; or 
  9. Recommend to relevant Group Leader the exclusion of (or recommend that the Town Council exclude) the Member from the Council’s Offices or other premises, with the exception of meeting rooms as necessary for attending Council, Committee and Sub-Committee meetings. 
  10. Recommend to the Council (or Town Council) that he/she be issued with a formal censure or be reprimanded.

In each circumstance, where the Standards Committee recommend the Group Leaders take action, it is expected that the Group Leader will within three months of the referral to them, or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, confirm to the Monitoring Officer and give details that the action taken with the Committee’s direction.

The Standards Committee has no power to suspend or disqualify the Member or to withdraw the Member’s special responsibility allowances.