Business Support and Regeneration

Our Economic Development and Regeneration Team is responsible for developing and delivering business support and regeneration projects to support improvements within the Borough that help to make the area a better place to live and work.

We also promote business support programmes at national, regional or local level through our newsletter and that can help businesses prosper, from start-up advice, accessing funding for growth or innovation, skills and so much more. 

A number of other organisations providing free help and guidance can be found on Business Support and Resources


Business Support Newsletter

Sign up for free to our fortnightly business support email newsletter to be the first to hear about the latest business support, funding, events and opportunities.

Sign up here.

Read the End of Year Message from Council Leader Cllr Dave Blackwell and Chief Executive Angela Hutchings, from the final edition of 2024.


Keep me updated

If you would like us to keep you updated about business support services, funding schemes and general updates about our regeneration projects then please email us at 

Please include your name, employment position, business address, email address, phone number and other details of your business activity.