The Castle Point Plan

Check your Christmas and New Year recycling dates and find more useful info on our Christmas Closures information page.

Family Evictions

Family evictions is one the highest causes of homelessness in this Borough and Castle Point recognises how this can be very distressing time for all those involved.

If you are being asked to leave your family home, you should complete the online Housing Options Assessment Form.   An officer will then contact you by telephone to confirm your situation and speak with the family member (the excluder) asking to you leave.    Once we are satisfied that you are at the risk of homeless, the Officer will arrange a home visit.   The excluder will need to present at the home visit.

During this meeting your housing options will be discussed in full and the Officer will try to prevent your homelessness by working with you and the excluder to find a solution, so you do not have to leave home.  For example:

  • If you are being asked to leave due to a disagreement, the Officer will mediate between you and your family.  We can negotiate an agreement of how you and your family will conduct yourselves, that they do not feel the need to ask you to leave.
  • If your family feel unable to keep you in the home for financial reasons, your Officer will explore your financial situation.   They will establish if you are able to claim any benefits and liaise with your family contribution towards household bills.

If your Officer is unable to negotiate for you to remain in your home, they will work with you and the excluder to achieve a planned move on, with the expectation that you will remain within the home while your Officer explores all your housing options.

Specific advice for 16/17 year olds

If you are 16-17 years of age and are being asked to leave the home of family or friends, you should contact Social Services as soon as possible.   We will carry out a joint assessment with Social Services to discuss your housing Options.

Other Options

The following agencies offer services around Family Mediation and Family Mentoring:

Yellow door for young people up the age of 25,

Castle Point Association of Voluntary Services (CAVS)