Housing - Council Tenant Rent Arrears

You can find, view and request all sorts of information here;

You can read information that may be useful if you are a current or former tenant who is in rent arrears;

You will find out all sorts of useful information on debt, work and welfare advice;

You can request a balance or a statement of your rent account or any other information by completing a simple on line request form;

If you receive Housing Benefit/Local Council Tax Support or pay Council Tax you can now view this on line. Simply complete an on line request form and you will receive a password giving you access to your own account. You are able to view details of your Housing Benefit and Council Tax, check when a payment is due and what you have been paid and when, plus much more.


Make a Payment

If you need to make a payment you can Pay it online

You can also make a payment by ringing 03300 576 170 to use our automated service, which is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Mobile charges may apply. Please remember we do not issue receipts for credit/debit card payments.