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VE Day 80th Anniversary
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing
Apply for a Licence
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles
Alcohol and Entertainment
Temporary event notice
Temporary Event Notices
Club Premises Certificate
Premises Licence
Personal Licence
Licensing Policies
Licensing Application Forms
Current Applications
Making a Representation about an Application
Pavement permissions
Gambling Act 2005
Amusement with prizes
Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013
Scrap metal Dealers Act 2013 Guidance Notes
Scrap Metal Licence Fees
Boatman and Pleasure Boat Licensing
Street Trading
Street and House to House Collections
House-to-House Collections licence
Street Collections licence
Sex Establishments
Sex Establishment
Sexual Entertainment Venues
Public Register
Other Licensing schemes
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