Personal Licence

A personal licence is needed by anyone wishing to supply alcohol or authorise the supply of alcohol in accordance with a Premises licence. An application must be made on the prescribed form to the Licensing Authority for the area in which the applicant usually live, not where they work.

Once a licence is issued you will not need to renew this licence, it will remain valid until you surrender it or we revoke it.


An applicant for a Personal Licence must:


To apply for a Personal Licence you will need to submit:

The Licensing Authority must notify the police if you have been convicted of a relevant or foreign offence.  Where the police object to the grant of the licence on the grounds that it would undermine the crime preventive objective, the licensing authority must hold a hearing to determine the application.


Change of name or address

If you are a Personal Licence holder and you change your name or address you must inform the issuing authority.


Fees and Charges