Personal Information

  1. Please provide us with your name and a contact address or email address, so that we can acknowledge receipt of your complaint and keep you informed of its progress.  The name (but not contact details) of a complainant will normally be provided to the Member that is the subject of the complaint.  In exceptional cases, we may agree to withhold your name from the Member.  If you want to keep your name confidential, please indicate this in the space provided on the complaint form along with the reasons why you feel it is necessary for your name to be withheld.  The Monitoring Officer will consider your request and if granted we will not disclose your name to the Member against whom you make the complaint, without your prior consent. 
  2. The authority does not normally investigate anonymous complaints, unless it includes sufficient documentary evidence to show a significant breach of the Code of Conduct and there is a clear public interest in doing so.
  3. Where a complaint is made against more than one Councillor it might be necessary for documents to be redacted so that each Councillor will only receive details of the complaint(s) which are being made against them individually. Should redaction be necessary then, the Monitoring Officer will extend the timeframes below to allow this process to take place in