What if there is no evidence

What happens if the Investigating Officer or Monitoring Officer concludes that there is no evidence of a failure to comply with the Code of Conduct?

If an Investigating Officer has been appointed, the Monitoring Officer will review the Investigating Officer’s report and may consult with the Independent Person(s).  If he/she is satisfied that the Investigating Officer’s report is sufficient, the Monitoring Officer will write to you and to the Member concerned (and to the Town Council, where your complaint relates to a Town Councillor), notifying you that he/she is satisfied that no further action is required, and give you both a copy of the investigation final report.  The Monitoring Officer will also notify the Standards Committee and the Independent Persons. 
If an Investigating Officer has been appointed and if the Monitoring Officer is not satisfied that the investigation has been conducted properly, he/she may ask the Investigating Officer to reconsider his/her report.