Who are the Independent Persons?

An Independent Person is a person who has applied for the post following advertisement of a vacancy for the post, and is appointed by a positive vote from a majority of all the Members of the Council. 

  • A person cannot be “independent” if he/she: 
    • Is, or has been within the past 5 years, a member, co-opted member or officer of the authority; 
    • (Is or has been within the past 5 years, a member, co-opted member or officer of a Town Council within the authority’s area), or 
    • Is a relative or close friend, of a person of the above above. *  

* For this purpose, a “relative” means: 

  • Spouse or civil partner; 
    • A parent, sibling or child of a spouse or civil partner
  • Living with the other person as husband and wife or as if they were civil partners; 
    • A parent, sibling or child of a person living as a civil partner
  • Grandparent of the other person; 
    • A spouse or civil partner of a Grandparent
  • A lineal descendent of a grandparent of the other person;